Super Special Secret Sale!!!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 18 Jul 2021

With hamburger locally priced at $4.69/lb - I am saying that this is the current lowest price, as per my last stop at the local supporting Grocery Store.  Several other sources have their equitable hamburger priced over $5/lb. To be clear, we are talking 75%lean to 25%fat. Some have started adding higher fat percentage - and without calling names - some are adding even more water into meats and the packaging. This is surely not a good sign for some  of the more heavily communist controlled areas. It is hard to understand why - or how - PEOPLE CAN BE BRAINWASHED INTO EMBRACING AND SUPPORTING WHAT THE PROPAGANDA MACHINE IS LEADING THEM IN. Oh, did i tell you that i have been told, by reputable a dependable local sources that a paper has been distributed announcing SIGNIFICANT PRICE INCREASES - BEGINNING NEXT MONTH!!!! Don't Worry about it, nothing to see here. You just stay focused on forcing everyone to take a WEIRD VACCINATION - because the propaganda machine tell you that you won't be safe until they do! I hate to call names, but even morons can see the FLAW in this process! If You Are Safe from Corona, and have Immunization( After All That was their Reasoning and Argument to bring as many people on board as possible) Simple Common Sense tells You That You Are NOT SUDDENLY AT Danger because other people refuse to take a Vaccine composed of Aborted Fetal Tissue, 

Enough of the rant and rave. Apparently they have sealed themselves into the Socialist/Communist Dogma of DELUSION. 

So I Pray. What Can I Do Lord? The Spirit leads me to see to do what is in front of me. This is only a suggestion, but surely common sense will prevail for many! At this point, i simply do not have the time to retrieve the documentation, neither do i have an exact recollection of of How Many Trillions, Of United States Federal Reserve Notes, were created before This Years First Month had been completed. Do the research for yourself - with that being said there have been enough of us staying informed to know these Vast Numbers to be Impossible to Sustain. The publicly announced Goal of 16.5 TRILLION more [thin air] federal reserve notes to be created by the end of the year. The are working to Create 3.5 TRILLION more dollars, very soon, as part of that process.  Are People so Lost in their lust, and worship of money, that they live in the delusional world where they still hold faith in the fiat masters. Surely, at some point they will awaken from fog that clouds their common sense vision. All of the false promises and cheaply made faux carrots - drenched in synthetic carrot sent, are obviously Not going to materialize from the dark pit of Socialist/Communist False propaganda and outright Lies. It has always been that way, it will always be that way - Until The Return of Christ. 

Their Plan depends upon You, Us, We, Them, almost everyone crumbling and crawling to them when fiat simply dissipates. Those who cannot overcome the lust of money, will awaken to a world where they will come out far more profitable turning that paper into toiled paper - than to take bundles, make a trip to the store, and trade it for a couple(maybe 3 or 4) rolls of toilet paper. If you can't' see that now - just wait until they finish printing this years $16.5 TRILLION.

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely! What kind, of  Brain Dead human, would think that mere men can overcome that corruption of Socialism/Communism? Certainly No Mortal! Many of the deceived supporters will suffer slavery and even massive cleansing executions. Always Has. What Fool Believes it will be different now??? There will come one, of demonic origin, who will claim that power - but it is only deception and Lies. Our Society is well on it's way to mass Slaver and Oppression. 

Ok, I felt led to share that message of Truth. Take it for what it is worth.

My part, for right now is to Hold one of Our Secret Sales. I have have already reduced one of our Silver Coins to the low starting bid of $ 0.99. I will mark down a few others, as soon as I finish here. I won't announce which particular coin, we have lowered. Hopefully you will search through our items, at least until you find the special starting bids. Absolutely None of these items are lacking in Value. We have even had several Customers( and Hopefully Clients) that took action and won some of these Great Items.

Not Everyone is accepting of Crypto, and no doubt serious measures will be placed into action, Once the Socialist/Communist feel that they have consolidated their Power Base - to Deny or Tightly Control Crypto. In The United States, they have become prematurely bold enough, to vocalize their lust - and desire to do so! You don't have to take my word for it. Just view some of the Channels, still standing under The Freedom Of Information ACT. You can Clearly view the Live Feed of Both The House and The Senate. If they receive intel that viewing may be heavier than norm - they will tone things down and offer a boring and non interesting dog and pony show- for the audience. If you catch them by surprise, You may well witness some unbelievable acts against United States Citizens= all consisting of the Radical Left Liberals, through the spectrum of Far Right Radicals. They really don't want  You aware of their powerful Tool of Divide, Separate, and Conquer! NO, NO, NO - lets keep them at odds with Fear of a Fake Pandemic, Forcing RNA modifying Vaccines with a portion of Aborted Fetal Materials. Of Course the Fake Stream Media wants You confused - are certainly not knowledgeable of The Facts! Don't just take my word for it  - And Certainly do not take the Propaganda Machine, for facts! Get out there - Dig for information - Research beyond the efforts to dissuade You, and You are Certainly going to discover Information that will Empower You to resist the oncoming Dark Ages! Remember, all a corrupt government has to do is seize control of the Electrical Grid and begin to deny access. What is your Electrical Backup Plan?

Ok, I cant help it, and neither do i have the desire to do so, when The Holy Spirit Leads Me to Share truth. Of course not all situations are equal for all people. Maybe you feel confident in Your Crypto Holdings. Many people do not it is just a fact. The Wise Investor places his/her eggs in more than one basket. Only With Prayer and a Miracle From God, can this planned economic catastrophe be converted. Otherwise the quickly approaching crash, is going to effect us all - to some extent. Fear, and manipulation, are strong driving factors in World Wide Economics and have a strong possibility of driving certain Tried and Trusted Resources, up into extremely High Values. It has surely happened in the past, and will most like become common place soon - where one may barter and/or trade Authentic Coins(especially Precious Metals) for Privileged Access and Acquisition to Goods and Services - That Most others will find very hard pressed to compete against. 

Ok, Time is growing short, for this little announcement, but there is something else i need to share with you. In order to grow our Client Base, We offer some powerful incentives. For Example, we received an inquiry about an Authentic Gold Coin, that we offered on eBay. The Coin is no longer available,  but the point is = I have offered to Launch a Special Secret Sale if That Person Will Save Our eBay Account, a set their email preferences to receive notifications our Future Listings.  With the Inspiration that has come upon me, Would Love to See this Special Sale to Snowball!

I have promised this potential Client to List at least 2 items(currently priced at $19.99 or above) Chosen at Random - for the Low starting bid of $ 0.99!!! 

The Only people, who have first knowlodge of these Awesome Sales - announced to them - are the people who have saved my account, my Pub0x readers, and a few special personal communications. The last time i looked, we have accumulated 17 followers. If this recent potential customer accepts my invitation and follows us on eBay - We will be at 18. If only 7 more people follow our account by the last day of July, for a total of 25 Clients, We will add at least 2 more items to the $ 0.99 Special Sales Items, Randomly chosen from our items of $29.99 Value - OR MORE. To Brighten Things Even More - at least 1 of these items will be A Very Attractively Toned Silver Coin. And We do have Several Beauties!!

With The Reality, of an Economic Meltdown, becoming more apparent Every Month - It is easy to understand why Panic Buying will most likely become a reality Very Soon. If you cant see through the fog, when hamburger meat reaches around $20/lb, I seriously don't know what will break the chains of Mass delusion. If you are focused on hamburger meat, in this communication, and cant see all the implications of other Food Items Involved - I suggest you start looking outside the Box!!!

Due to the Strong and Obvious Threat of Economic Downfall, we have been forced to raise prices on many of our Truly Rare and Irreplaceable Rare And Valuable Treasure Coins. In Terms of Reality - There is no way to know How High The Prices, they may bring in next year's Auctions!!!

I am not trying to dictate what you should you should do! With that being said, i hope you see the wisdom of acquiring some Coinage. Almost All Pure(or weakly diluted) metals are of some barter value. They can be well used, in times of need, by those who possess the knowledge. I do suggest that there is no better time to acquire some coins, of Precious Metals, than the present! Once the Sticker Price Shock wares off, the demand will undoubtably skyrocket as the general public come to terms that their fiat will not be worth very much. Panic Buying is almost a given fact, once obvious becomes obvious. I will have to be honest - I overvalued the intelligence of the general population Intelligence. I never would have though people could be so gullible as to fall for some of the OBVIOUS SCAMS - that are being orchestrated on Us!  By next Year, it will be the enforcers of Communist Rule, or complete idiots who still stand in this great delusion. Like they say,  When Your Pocket Book takes that Serious Blow( and who will be able to seriously ignore it after next years Hyper Inflated Pricing) It has a serious potential to Grab Your Attention!!!

With Massive Flooding of Fake Precious Metals Coins, and other P.M Vehicles, onto the World Markets, It is very Wise to grow a relationship, with sources you can trust. Right before i was excommunicated from Fbook, they had no problem allowing Obvious Scam Sales, of Fake Valuables, to flood their news feeds with Fraudulent Advertisement of Worthless Fake Coins(and other imposter items). All of the Scam Items I observed, were low-ball priced to lure in those with Unrealistic Motivations of Greed. Coins of almost worthless alloys, and some even possibly Hazardous, were being advertised prices far below spot prices. In Reality, the actual sales resulted in high profits - for very cheap items. Any Consumers who fell for these very real appearing Cheap Knockouts,  are surely in for a surprise if they think they are in possession of Valuable Barter Items. The Reality is, that as soon as someone with adequate knowledge views these obvious Fakes, they will have to face the consequences of their greed. We are all human. I even fell for a  deep discounted deal of a multiple coin offer. It was through eBay, so i knew my money would be made good. It was a very professional looking Seller Account - from Communist China. Of course being under some little political correctness influence, I was determined to be non racist - and give them the benefit of the doubt. 

To make a long story short,  when I received "The American Silver Eagles" - I immediately knew they were fake. I protested the transaction with the seller. At first they tried to play dumb. Then they provided me direction to a deeply hidden small disclaimer which stated that they were replicas. I can't confirm it, but I am deeply convinced the information was not available, when the transaction was initiated. I approached eBay, and my money was quickly refunded and I was told to keep the replicas. LOL!!! What a surprise - Not! The shipping was far more than the value of the Fakes. W


In Conclusion, what I am suggesting is that you take some of that quickly deteriorating fiat - and acquire some silver - While it is still reasonable. Reality is that Actual Real World Prices are already far above the publicly advertised Spot Prices. I am certainly not trying to say that I am the only Reliable and Reputable source out here! With that being said, if you look at my customer Feed back - I offer honest descriptions of my items, I go above and beyond to take good care of our Customers, and I Love to develop Strong Relationships with Great Clients. I would certainly appreciate the opportunity to serve you! 

If you step back and look at the facts around you with unbiased expectations, I can't imagine that you can't see the wisdom of gaining some Coinage! Silver is powerful,  Gold is more powerful, Platinum is Awesome, along with several other strategic metals. You Certainly don't have to buy from me, but the wise will certainly make efforts of acquire what is reasonable. If Precious Metals Sky Rocket, DON'T PANIC Buy, beyond the point of a minimum Barter Resource. Hopefully you will see the opportunity to become prepared before the herd panic mechanism. Be Safe and start diversifying into these valuable mediums - from someone You can Trust!

If you are inclined, please follow the link to our eBay account. Feel Free to view all of our current offers - So far we are able to maintain an active inventory of over 550 items! I would also like to invite you to save our account. Doing so always makes it easy and quick to see all of our current listings. You can also set your email preferences to receive notifications of all our future listings - thus giving you early access to special deals. We always try to find great bargains to pass on to our Clients! We are not always the lowest price available, but we are fair and our prices allow us to remain viable. Remember - low low prices will appeal to our weakness of greed. Fair prices are sometimes hard to afford. It always provides realistic profit to acquire at reasonable prices - rather than loose it all to scams!

Follow Us to Great Quality, Coins For Every Budget, Great Customer Service, And Much Much More!!!s

User IDanthonmurchiso_0

I am off to add some Super Starting Bids. Hope to see You following us Soon. We hope to See You as a Satisfied Client Even More!

Thank You for Your Interest, Attention, and Time!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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