Photo by Abdullah Al Mallah from Pexels

Rescue Oaks - The Great Outdoors

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 15 Mar 2022

  • If you love Trees, or just Nature in general - If You are a homeowner - If you own or want to improve property - If you are a hunter - If you like to camp outdoors.


If any of the above describe you, you will find our Rescue Oaks operation of interest.


As you may, or may not know - we practice an intense burn program on our properties. We have a thriving mixture of Pine and Hardwood trees that we are farming. While Pine trees thrive in a well burned ecosystem, Hardwood requires a delicate mixture of burns in order to do well. Very small Oak Trees most often perish in the heat of high flames.



Each year, uncountable numbers of small trees perish in the practice of our controlled burn program. In this process, a large number of stunningly beautiful young trees are destroyed. Many of these Oak Trees could be the envy of Your neighborhood association. They aren't just limited to Oaks either, there is a wide range of attractive tree types including some beautiful young Cedar Christmas Trees. 

Many of these Beauties are just the right size to dig up with a shovel. Their heights range from inches to 6 feet. There is always an ever-replenishing crop, so we have decided to share with our Camping Community, and rescue some beautiful young trees. If you are on a tight budget and can't afford commercially available saplings, this is a great opportunity to go green and have fun too! Not  very many rules - please be courteous and respectful, please confirm your tree choices through me before digging, please fill back in the holes left from your tree extraction.


Through one of our partners,, we are offering a 20% discount on your camping trip and 3 free Oak Saplings. After digging your 3 free trees, you can take home an additional tree in exchange for 1 bag of potting soil/topsoil - up to a total of 7 trees. If you have been out pricing landscaping Oak trees, you will instantly recognize the large savings available. This Special Rescue Oak Promotion runs from October 1st through April 30th each year. Can you think of a better way to spend Arbor Day? 

To take advantage of this special offer, please book your visit through, using the special promo code - 8MMUSSSU


Hope To See You Soon!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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