Praise and Worship!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 4 Sep 2021

I Praise and Exalt You, Lord God Almighty - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, on thid day Your Holy Sabbath! You are my Strong Tower, my Holy Defender! You are The Source of all good things in my life. Lord Jesus, i give ou everything! I give You every breath i take! I give You every moment of my life! I give you everyone that i Love, in my life! I submit all to You!

Armor me, Shild me, and Protect me, as You lead me with Your Holy Spirit! Lord, I pray that Your Will be done in my life! Lord, I pray for mine enemies, that they open their hearts to Your Love and Mercy! In Your Holy Name I Pray! Amen!

Join me, as we give Praise, Honor, and Glory to Our Creator! We Worship You Lord God Almighty - Three in One/One in Three!

The Power of God's Love

Protection and Blessings

The Power of Jesus's Holy Blood

Invite The Holy Spirit To Move In Your Life!

Praise and Worship Through Song!



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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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