Open Economic Warfare!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 16 Sep 2021

In an Open Operation of Economic Warfare, The Elite - The Filthy Rich - Big Tech - and Our Own Governments have pulled out all the stops, in a effort to destroy the Middle Class! All You have to do is Open Your Eyes, and take a honest look aroud you.

The Spot Prices, of Precious Metals, has taken a steep drop. I have received several offers suggesting that I take advantage of the dip. Sounds inviting, except that the prices, they are asking, are Higher than ever! The only people who would have to sell at the reduced prices - are you and me! I am not playing along, neither should you! They are hoping to see us panic.

This does not come without some justification. They believe the General Public to be Fools, Morons, Idiots, and easily to be taken advantage of. After all, there are many people who still believe that wearing a mask can protect them from tiny virus particles, that can easily and freely pass right through most mask materials! Add to that, the many other people accept mandates demanding Vaccinations, that are not even effective. They are still easily controlled by fear of a fake pandemic. So easily controlled, that they fear to go out in public without wearing a mask - even after they have taken a vaccine forced upon them! How easily some people are manipulated, and give up their Personal Freedoms to Fake Dogma!

Under the disguise of this "Pandemic", The United States Socialist/Communist Democratic Party has implimented numerous policies, and practices, designed to weaken and destroy the Economy, even further. No matter what they say, or don't say, they know that the current Monetary Policy is guaranteed to produce Massive Inflation - which will have World Wide Implications!

And now, The United States SEC has served notice that it intends to SUE Coinbase! They know that CryptoCurrencies are one of the strongest obsticles Standing against their Enslavement of Mankind! Many people are finally awankening to their sinister plan, and they are becomming desperate to complete it - before their opportunity is cut short. 

The narrative is even more complex and detailed, but hopefully this post has been enough to motivate people to take a more honest and knowledegable view of World Affairs in Today's Reality.

Give it some thought. This could be your wakeup call!

Thank You for Your Time, Attention, and Interest!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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