In my post, from earlier this afternoon, I forgot to include information gleaned from some neighbors. Most likely because I would prefer to share some good news. The only good news I heard or saw today - Jesus Lives! Very good news indeed, for those who worship Our Risen King.
The news gained from looking around and listening to others, was very sad. The Slave masters are buying people very cheaply. They are offering a "free" $300/month payment per child. Never mind the Printed Fliers stuffing mail boxes, informing all that a new major price increase is imminent. Everything from chocolate to meats. For people who have been observing price increases, all along, and possess enough intelligence to read between the lines - this is very concerning indeed. The price hikes have been significant all along. It is intimidating to many, who realize prices will soon reach levels where the general public has to be softened up ahead of time.
The sad part is - you aint seen nothing yet. To get a more clear picture, look at Venezuela. Everyone who has been watching the destructive forces of Socialism rip the very fabric of their lives, now must face the propaganda's machines false claims. Just google Venezuela. You will see full ig support of Socialism, and laying the blame everywhere else. There is nothing to see here. People are eating neighborhood pets, and just desperate in general, because everything is so much better with Socialism/Communism. Please! Is everyone really that brainless. Many people my age and older should be able to easily recall at least some of the Many Inhumane Atrocities committed in the name of Socialism/Communism. Don't be deceived by the double talk. Socialism and Communism always go together, with the rare exception of a propaganda puppet Nation. Always benefiting a few, and enslaving most. Always has/Always will, until the return of Christ.
If you are aware of the Religious Sexual Predators, it shouldn't be very difficult to realize the danger of giving Socialist/Communist government control over your daily life. To take power, their propaganda machine promises the moon, while their consolidation of power delivers misery and slavery.
If you are convinced otherwise, then there is really no reason to continue. Reasoning has been stolen from you. You have been sold A Golden Ticket, for everything you own - Only to end up in the Slave gallery, manning the oars. If you don't understand that, you have been robbed of your education indeed.