The Truth Won't Sell/You Can't Even Give It Away
Circumstances led me out of my rest today. We were led on a Journey into town.
On one of our first stops, I saw a window display with the proud words Land Of The Free, Because Of The Brave. Next door lawn mowers were displayed with $6000 dollar price tags. They were designed with many parts which will need replacement before much time has passed at all. There should be no surprise when the entire machine is less expensive to replace, than the parts needed for upkeep. So obvious, that it should also be of no surprise when payments will still be obligated from the original purchase.
At the grocery store, hamburger meat cost as much(or more) as some steaks, only 1 and 1/2 years ago. --- No, Our Nation is not free anymore. People stood by passively, much as cattle, while Our Constitution was ripped to shreds - by the wolves. Passively, and some even supporting the fraudulent overthrow of Our Republic. Some out of honest ignorance, some out of greed, all out misguided motivation. The few, Brave enough to March on Our Capital, in opposition of the oncoming slavery, were mislabeled as insurrectionist - and even Criminals - by Our Slave Masters' Propaganda machines.
Our Society has openly abandoned God, and we now not only allow - but encourage unGodly values. So, for some of us, it really isn't a tremendous surprise - though a bitter pill to swallow. At least be honest with yourself, when you go to sleep tonight. Freedom isn't Free. When You give Your's away, the price You pay, becomes very dear indeed. If you can't see that yet, it probably won't be very much longer, before it is obvious to all.