Home made Blackbery jams, jellies and Wine!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 28 Apr 2019

Hello! This is my last posts of today, and, of course I saved the best for the last. If you read my post about spring camping, then you already know about Murchison Farm. If not, we are a small family owned farm that has begun offering our Beautiful land as a primitive campground. Please like us and share us with your friends, on Facebook. We are also listed with Thedyrt.com, Hipcamp.com, and AIRBNB. You can find pictures and info on those 4 sites.

To make a long story short, we often do controlled burns to improve the land for wildlife habitat. This results in a rush of natural nutrients that promote plump, sweet, and tasty Dewberries and Blackberries. This year the Dewberries are already laden with plump, red, thumb sized, berries that I expect to begin ripening this week. Also the Blackberries are fully laden with green pea sized baby blackberries! In addition there are still many blooms forming. We are going to have a bumper crop of blackberries this year, if God is willing and the creeks don't flood! That may be an old saying you havent heard in a long time. LOL!

 I will keep everyone updated as to when the Blackberries are ready to pick. Sholdn't be much longer at all. Then you can come camping and pick untill your heart is content. Take them home and make your favorite Jam, Jelly, or Wine! This is true Organic! No chemicals and natural fertalizer!

Book your camping adventure with Murchison Farm on Thedyrt.com!


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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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