Having been fairly involved with eBay, for well over a year now -

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 13 Jun 2021

Having been fairly involved with eBay, for well over a year now, this partnership often becomes prayed about. 

After some prayer and meditation, i became inspired today with a Great Marketing Plan. If eBay were to create a New Free Basic Membership/ complete with a dedicated communications platform - and several other powerful Perks - It could quickly and strongly increase Sales Flow! Once feature would be the direct Daily Specials offered across the Sales Platform. A larger number of Interested Customers could receive Clear, Memorable  , and Timely Emails - customized to each Client's Preferences. Marketed for those who clearly show an interest, in specific categories and/or items.

An Added Perk should also be a system built on BlockChain and CryptoCurrencies. The implementations of this Platform would result in quick Sales Increases and Strategic Long Term Strengths. 

For instance - I would be running Special Sales often, if it weren't so time consuming.  

I will include a Special Promotion, in this post. It would be much more powerful and effective, if this platform were a promotional platform for Sales, with multiple channels supporting eBay Sales and Promotion.

Starting today, and extending through June 21st, we are offering Free Shipping - with the purchase of 3(or more) items priced at $29 each(Through a Combined Invoice!!!). Please be sure to message me, through eBay, when you begin your shopping - In Order To Receive Free Shipping - Three invoices must be combined into 1! When combining them i will remove shipping charges.

We have already received bids, on over a dozen items today! That was when I last checked, earlier this morning. Never been a better time to save money - Get Your Free Shipping While It Lasts! If The Good Lord willing - I will be adding a large number of new listings soon! in fact, i have already begun with several New Sports Trading Cards!

Please follow this link to our account. You can easily view all of our current items.While you are there,  we suggest that you save our account! That will allow you to also set your email preferences to receive notifications of our future listings.

June Free Shipping Sale( minimum purchase of 3 items, priced at $29 each)

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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