
By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 17 Apr 2022

Yep, you read that right - 19 Thousand Dollars in Prizes! The Prize pool is currently just under that amount, and expected to exceed it, by the end of this month! Since i began writing this post, the amount is now less than $10 to reach the 19k mark.  Do You have what it takes?

The first Cointiply Areana Event is quickly approaching, and You can win Your Share of the money! The last 100 heroes remaining each month compete for 20% of the overall Arena prize pool - huge prizes will be awarded!

What is Cointiply Arena?


Cointiply Arena is a fun new way to win Coins. Purchase Arena heroes & upgrade your heroes throughout the month. Every time a hero is purchased, the Arena prize pool increases. At the end of the month all heroes get automatically entered into Arena battles, where they will battle other heroes for Coin prizes.

Even if you would prefer to wait until the next month's event, before you become engaged, now would be the perfect time to start building your resources! There is never a better time than the present, to begin a journey you should have started a long time ago. 

Please accept my invitation to join Cointiply, and begin your journey of earning significant Cryptocurrency!  http://cointiply.com/r/4DAXA


Stay tuned for another addition to the Moonpie and Smokey Saga children's stories - coming soon.




If you know me, you will know that this is a difficult thing for me to do. 

I have reached a point where i need your help. If you are so inclined to do so, it will be most greatly appreciated! 

Until my financial situation turns for the better, you will notice the following at the end of my posts. Please forgive me if you do not approve, but i have a serious need at this time.


Like many people in these trying times, i am currently having great difficulty in making ends meet. I don't enjoy asking for help, but i find myself humbled and am now doing so. I currently have no personal transportation - my handme down car has broken down, and I have no funds to acquire a vehicle. I live out in the country and there is no public transportation. Along with many other pressing bills, i simply do not have the income to meet those obligations.

I have already liquidated all my crypto holdings, with the exception of a few dollars worth to keep some accounts open. I am disabled and our small farm earnings have all but vanished, as well as almost nonexistent ebay sales. I could go on and on, but i am sure you get the idea. I don't care to continue with the sad song. 

If you are so inclined, even the smallest contribution to the following addresses will be much appreciated.

Thank you for your kindness, understanding, and support!

Bitcoin - bc1qe7dmt8958ggsqr7gtamfjaz3ewfttudzs4gzkq

Litecoin - MQgk5wdTjVMisiVsA5EXy66rPW21jBhSZm

Ethereum - 0x902727bed6f6cd070eb10701717604cf4f27de94

Doge - DQzHtUuq2p831qFTq4pEdquiaAWjZTcTrV

Dash - XuG1CHBtbf4Z9rq5J8mhybw6XbGLnxm7mk

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A Follower of Christ, Champion of Freedom and Human Rights

Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

59+ years of life and more abundantly.

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