A good way for people to invest a little bit at a time!

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 28 Apr 2019

Hello! Today I want to share with you. I only share opportunaties, like this, if I have tried them and proved them myself. Acorns is a very good place to invest in the stock market if you only have small amounts to invest. Personally I only invest $10 a month. Acorns has a plan of investment based on your personal circumstances. They range from conservative to speculative. Acorns ask you a few questions about your financial situation and then suggest a plan for your personal situation. You can set up monthly investments ranging from $5 on up with their reoccuring investment option. If you run into a little extra cash you can make one time investments also.

Acorns has a program called found money. This consists of various companies, that will contribute to your investment account if you purchase from them, or apply for services. I personally made $55 free found money from checking on insurance rates. No purchase necessary! It just took a little time. Who can't use $55 of free money. They also have an option to round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invest that changte into your account, if you so choose.

If you follow this link to open your account we will both get $5 free invested into our account -

Until next time, may you live long and prosper!


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Murchison Farm
Murchison Farm

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