A Question for the Pub0x Community???

By ArmFarm | Murchison Farm | 18 Jun 2021

Just as normal, i logged into Pub0x and created a new post. I was Somewhat surprised to find my hashtag feature disabled. I have searched back through my recent posts and can not find my error. Unless i made some type of mistake, I always use hashtags that are relevant to each post. 

Of course I am not asking you to tip them, but i would appreciate your help in searching back through several of my latest posts, and see if you can find an improper hashtag.

I cannot imagine where i have used a hashtag, that would result in not only in the suspension of that feature - but no warning ad no communications. The staff appears to ignore my inquiry, so I am turning to you! Please do point out the error of my ways!

Thank You for Your Time, Attention, and Interest!


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Murchison Farm
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