Mr. Russo's Math Class: Basic Ten Day 46

By atrusso | Mr. Russo's Math Class | 18 Jan 2021

Mr. Russo's Math Class

Here is your Basic Ten. I hope you enjoy them. They will increase in difficulty as you progress from day to day. Let's use math every day to enjoy life more and live in the truth.

My name is Alan Russo. I'm seventy-one years of age and expect to live until at least 100. Preparing this class each day should keep my mind focused and productive. I found Math challenging as an elementary student. Math should not be as much of a challenge as it seems to be for most people. In this class we will attempt to find the basics of Math and apply them to our everyday lives. I've taught elementary math from 4th to 6th grade for some fourteen years now. I enjoy basic math. It's practical and necessary for everyone. We all like to add up our good experiences, subtract our bad ones, multiply our joy, and divide our sorrow. Math should not be a chore that we are stuck with, but a way of measuring our experiences in life and showing our progress on our life goals. It should not master us, but we should master it and use it as a tool in our life-skills toolbox. Students and families are welcome to use this class for tutoring and supplemental learning. The classes are free. If you enjoy them and would like to make a contribution to keep them coming here is a way to do it. Feel free to share your comments and inquiries.

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Mr. Russo's Math Class
Mr. Russo's Math Class

My name is Alan Russo. My class is free and it's designed to help you with basic math lessons, warm-ups, and problem solving challenges. All comments are welcome.

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