Basic Ten Day 81

By atrusso | Mr. Russo's Math Class | 28 Jan 2021

Here we are at the Golden Gate bridge. Just stay in your lane. Using procedures in math is like using the steering wheel and the accelerator pedal on your vehicle. As you become more proficient, it will more like using lane keeping assistance or autopilot.

My name is Alan Russo. I love Jesus and His creation. His Kingdom is here now for anyone to join. Let's enjoy the positives of this life and do what we can to change the negatives.If you would like to support this channel here is where you may contribute.$AlanRusso

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I love Jesus and His creation. His Kingdom is here now for anyone to join. Let's enjoy the positives of this life and do what we can to change the negatives.

Mr. Russo's Math Class
Mr. Russo's Math Class

My name is Alan Russo. My class is free and it's designed to help you with basic math lessons, warm-ups, and problem solving challenges. All comments are welcome.

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