Miami Coin

$MIA and the OkCoin Experience - Miami Coin Utility M.I.A.?

By MOOSE DAD CHAOS | moose-dad-chaos | 20 Jan 2022

I am an investor in Miami Coin ($MIA).

Bought in at .022 (now hovering around .008, yikes!), I have been DCAing quite a bit, but the average is still up there.

I am at a crossroads: do I continue to DCA and earn STX and hope that the value of $MIA increases? Or, do I take the loss (~50%) and find safer investments to put that money.

I ask myself: are the city coins scam-ish? Maybe. Will cities/states ever be able to fully embrace / legally allow a currency like this for their constituents and city services? I think so. Is this going to be a movement that gains significant traction in 2022... or is this a longer term play that will see value and utility realized in the next 4-5 years (probably). 

Okcoin's 145+% APR is certainly enticing and its really what got me to invest. the STX yield is really nice. But seeing my MIA value plummet has been a concern - and I know I am not alone here based on Reddit and Twitter posts (so that makes me feel a tiny bit better.)

Speaking of the STX yield from the $MIA earn, that is up around around $300. And I am a big believer in STX. So that helps the sting.

Okcoin has several investor-friendly features.

#1 is the earn program. The aforementioned 145% STX yield on MIA. You can lock your funds in for either 1 1 cycle or 12 cycle terms, with each cycle being about 15 days. There are several other high interest earns, including STX->BTC at 10%, MATIC at 15%, and DOT at 15%. So, if you are interested in passive earning, this is a great place to do it! Set it and forget it for however many cycles you would like.

#2 is their offer for no fees on recurring buys. This is HUGE. I have recurring buys on several other exchanges. Smaller amounts because they are daily, but seeing that 2.99 fee taken every buy really adds up. For daily traders, this is a pretty wonderful option.

If you are interested in Miami Coin and/or Okcoin's earn program and fee-free recurring purchases, check out my referral here for $10 BTC when you trade $100 of any crypto. 




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