True Tales of Medical Horror: A Horse Named Jim Gets "Vaccinated"

By MarvinScottMarvin | Moonbat Dives | 23 Jan 2023

Once more, in the field - excuse me, "practicum" - of medical science, what's old is new again. Buckle up, Moonbats! We're not done horsing around, and, look out, we're about to get redefined!

I don't mean to go on flogging a dead horse, but... our old friend Jim still has legs and we are going to run with him a little farther.

In the first instalment of this series, we discussed horse serum and noted how the corporate media and medical community have been careful to make a distinction between animal serum and vaccines.

However, in the second instalment of A History Of Vaccine Science And The Language Used To Describe It I pointed out that the definitions of "vaccine" and "vaccination" have been changed. According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary, the primary definition of "vaccine" is

a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease

Additionally, the secondary definition is

a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases

So... under this new definition, horse serum can be called a vaccine again!

Horse serum is a preparation/immunotherapy that is administered by injection to stimulate the body's immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease.

Horse serum is a vaccine.

After decades of propaganda against horse serum to distance the St Louis Tragedy of 1901 from the world's greatest advancement of medical science, vaccines, we have come full circle to discover that, by definition, horse serum is and always has been a vaccine.

Now that we have settled this bit of science, let's add the horse serum death count back to the vaccine injury ledger to keep history honest.

Until next time, Moonbats, may your mind expand faster and farther than your belly!




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Authentic biological human male. Based on a true story.

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