chsb eth smart yield swissborg

You can now earn up to 17.5% ETH yield on Swissborg wealth app

By aravlic | Monthly Top Airdrops | 18 Mar 2021

Today Swissborg Wealth APP launched a new product, the Ethereum yield wallet.

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Simply transfer your Ethereum to the Yield wallet and start earning daily!

chsb eth yield wallet

You can earn up to 17.5% APY daily if you are a Premium user with 50000 CHSB tokens, or up to 8,75% APY daily for standard users.

There is a new Community Premium coming up for users with at least 2000 CHSB, the Community Premium will offer a 1.5X yield so we can expect an approximate daily APY of ~13.125%. 

Make sure to stock up on CHSB tokens because its getting even more bullish now as lots of Ethereum is flowing towards the app.

Its a great time to join Swissborg, if you decide to try out the Swissborg Wealth APP please use my link so you can get up to 100$ of free CHSB tokens

Also make sure to check out the Swissborg Community App to win 250 CHSB tokens, use my reference code 7RDKPLY to get 3000 challenge points after signup at

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