New Crypto social media [coming soon]

By HRGAME | | 11 Oct 2019

New social media

 today we will talk about a platform that has been launched recently, as you know that in 2019 many new social media platforms were launched on the basis of crypto, people are earning well from them today, so I will also give you today I will tell one such social media platforms in which you can get income by streaming voice, the way we do income by livestreaming on YouTube and Facebook, in this way We'll get together and voice streaming platform

This platform is named Pod miner
What is pod miner
PodMiners is a blockchain-based platform where you can live stream and broadcast the pre-recorded shows. PodMiners ensures that all the content creators will receive the credit and reward for the content they create. The PodMiners Token is the internal cryptocurrencyon which the ecosystem will work.

Currently, an airdrop is running in which tokens of 15 $ will be given to each join person.

For clam airdrop


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