
Earning Crypto Currency With Your Browser

By rbailey83 | Money Earners Online | 27 Apr 2022

Making money online, and different ways of doing it, are very popular topics. Who wouldn't want to be able to make some extra money while in the comfort of their own home or anywhere they can connect to the internet?

There are so many different ways of making money online these days. Some will take time and some skill, others don't take any skill but some time, and some don't take much skill or time. It all depends on just how much you're looking to make and how much time you want to dedicate to making that money.

In this post, I wanted to talk about making money through cryptocurrency with a web browser.


CryptoTab Browser is a browser with built-in BitCoin mining. As with any type of crypto mining, the amount you can mine will depend on your device's performance. They boast a user base of over 25 million users. The browser is built off the Chrome platform and is easy to import settings, extensions, and bookmarks from your chrome account.

They do not take any commissions when you withdraw your BitCoin mined to your wallet. This is a great way to use your device's idle time to help you earn some extra money and make some cryptocurrency in the form of BitCoin.

CryptoTab Browser is available on mobile and PC devices and includes a referral system that will help you earn a bit more for referring others to the browser. 

Brave Browser

The Brave Browser is another cryptocurrency-earning browser. Brave rewards in BAT crypto and instead of mining, you can turn on to receive X amount of ads per hour and be rewarded with BAT crypto per ad as you are browsing the internet and using the browser. 

This is another easy way to make some extra money while doing what you do every day online. The ads are not intrusive and although you won't get rich it is a good way to make some extra money on the side.

Both of these browsers are a good way to earn some extra money for free. They also give people who don't want to invest a lot of money into the cryptocurrency market or are just dipping their toes in, a way to do so. 

I personally use both browsers. I will use the CryptoTab Browser when I am not using my computer and just use the idle time mining. When I am using a browser for any internet needs I will use the Brave Browser to collect the BAT crypto as I go about my regular browsing.

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I have dabbled in blogging and am new to cryptocurrency. I like to read and write.

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