Golden rules to become rich?

By ModernEuler | Moderncrypto | 13 Jan 2020

Altough sometimes it is beyond our imagination, we always imagine becoming rich. We work hard, study a lot. Most of the time we fail to earn enough so that, we, our families can live a quality life, consume quality food, etc. 

money ile ilgili görsel sonucu

ı think the first thing we need to consider is to read the rich people's life. We need to understand how they build their fortune. 

we see some patterns actually. I think the golden rule is "You won't get rich off a salary alone"

So I want to note (build) a shortlist to build my fortune for me and for the ones who want to be rich:

1- Live on less than you earn. 

Put money into savings on a regular basis. Pay yourself first, always. Here is a Warren Buffett Quote about this: “Do not save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving". Never spend especially more than you make.

warren buffet sayings spend after what is left ile ilgili görsel sonucu

2. Inflation steals your wealth, so take good care of your wealth.

3. Buy assets, not liabilities (Avoid getting into debt)

4. Compound interest works wonders. 

5- Save and invest

Warren Buffett Quote: “If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”

6- Take good care of your health and belongings

Did I miss any? 


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