Junca Cash bounty on biki

🔥 JCC | Join Webounty Junca Cash to share a reward of 20,000 USDT worth of JCC tokens | list of Biki floors | 🔥

By ngoctai93 | MmO-Hot Airdrop-Bounty | 22 Aug 2020

🔥 JCC | Join Webounty Junca Cash to share a reward of 20,000 USDT worth of JCC tokens | list of Biki floors | 🔥

•• Time of the event: from August 19 to 27, 2020

Link join:



- Login via google mail - go to settings and connect your telegram and Twitter account with your Webounty account. Then go back and select Join.

- My wallet: Enter Biki Account UID
BiKi registration link:



- After Join the event you go to the telegram entry to join the event telegram group. Share interesting questions or compliments to the project to receive poin (will convert tokens to the amount of poin you receive)
- Collage interesting photos or memes about JCC (get points according to feelings)
- Follow Twitter project. Reweet rewrite the posts and coment to the articles getting points.

- The trade will be converted from the point you join Telegram and Twitter of the project. The rewards will be automatically distributed to BiKi tk floor within 1 week at the end of the program.
•• Subscribe to the telegram channel to update:
•• Telegram discussion group:

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UPDATE MAKE MONEY ONLINE FOLLOW : Fanpage Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mmo.kiemtienonline247/ Telegram chanel : https://t.me/hotairdropbountyfree Thanks All.

MmO-Hot Airdrop-Bounty
MmO-Hot Airdrop-Bounty

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