Making important decisions is difficult, especially when these are determining. And frequently one thing is what we want to decide and another is what we finally decide.
These weeks some news have evoked hellenic classical concepts in me and I have become a bit philosophical or just reflective. We have been able to see how decisions can affect our lives due to a some complex situation. Is it now the better time to make important decisions? In general, in our personal lives whatever we decide, we must know and accept our past, understand and face the present but also believe and fight for our future.
Many times to continue moving forward we must make difficult, risky or painful decisions, or that we do not want or on the contrary, the best decision may be the one that scares us the most, because sometimes the not knowing what might happen produce fear, because we cannot control the consequences. So we almost always find ourselves in the dilemma of deciding, and if not, we become paralyzed, we must choose between what is best for us, what we want or what we can do.
Well, it seems that something like this happened in Greece, in the old cradle of the democracy ("demos-cracia": power of the people) that people made a decision, but some of them have voted not for but against something, probably with fear, doubts, unknowledge... It happens in many different places in our times. People have believed to decide for a clear future based on ideals like justice and dignity. But what do they really expect? After a transparent analysis they have not been so free as to decide freely, are we really free to make decisions? For some things maybe yes, but for others... it seems that conditions or dependencies appear in front of us and as always this recurring thought: "what could happen if...?"
What is the difference between bravery and recklessness? Between idealism and reality? And most importantly, what is the limit between each of them? Like to be or not to be; to decide or not to decide or how to decide, those are the questions...
It should be clear that in order to make decisions we must have decision-making power. Is it our decision for real? and clearly we must be consistent and have knowledge, knowledge of the facts and of all the options. What if we think of Plato's theory of knowledge? Possibly it is too much, we all remember the philosophy classes where the different postulates of the books of the Republic were explained to us, concepts such as the world of ideas, the intelligible or the sensible, science (episteme) or doxa (opinion) will sound to us, the dialectic, lights, shadows and the myth of the cave. But we are not going to complicate so much, surely some of the expressions that are used will sound more familiar to us, such as "platonic love".
Platonic love, according to what we understand now is an expression that we popularly use when we refer to that unrequited or impossible love. It becomes a dreamy wish, a beloved ideal. (Although this was not Plato's real conception of love, it is a process that leads to the appreciation and pure knowledge of beauty. So the ideal is not to love the impossible but to love eternal ideas).
But thinking about the impossible, I think that there must be many platonic decisions, those that we would have liked to make and did not make because... who knows why, but we feel that perhaps they were decisive decisions, those that would have really changed something or those that we could never take (there is so much at stake or to lose) or that we regret not taking. Is it more what we can lose or what we want to gain?
When something does not go well, when we do not like something, it does not make sense to continue the same and do nothing, the paralysis of fear is the worst that can happen to us because it will not let us continue with our life. Being realistic or rational, it is difficult to control all the variables and possibilities, so you have to look ahead with confidence and courage, and listen to your wishes and simply bet on yourself, without reproach. Which should be the ideals of our life? We should learn from what we do and decide, that is knowledge and that is what it is about living.
So you know, you decide.
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