The Educational System

By Blurryface | Mining the etherium | 16 Apr 2020

What a joke! My personal opinion based off years of education leads me to believe this. Being engaged with a educator makes me believe this more. 

The system in America is designed in three tiers before you hit higher learning. This is a public setting, anyone can join and better themselves. A high school diploma guarantees you a opportunity at a fast food place if you pass a initial interview after taking a psychological evaluation of skills, and mental state. 

You can bypass this and get a job when you are younger, by signing waivers and summiting to keeping up GPA or it will be revoked. This is mainly done through corruption or nepotism. 

The educational system though is our discussion: after highschool you can gain Grant's and scholarships to help with higher learning. Even if granted a full ride it doeant cover p.h.d. courses. So a perfect student will still accumulate 50-100 thousand dollars in debt. What do you do when every ten years by business corporate standard your phased out and new people brought in to take your place?

Keep in mind you now have a house, a car, maybe a few kids, and a couple credit cards. You probably havent paid off those student loans and are now out of work.

Let's backtrack to the average person. You pay course after course out of pocket working fast food, if your working two jobs you got a few bucks so your not living at home.  Yet you will be in your mid 50s till you gain a reputable career. No pension no savings and a few kids that you take your charge cards, car, and rented condo. You still have about 10-30 thousand in debt and probably filed bankruptcy one or two times.

So let's see how does the educational system work and how does it need to work? ( retoricle question ofcourse)

Take middle school, you pick your courses and life choices for the first time you are you. Your independence is yours. This leads you down your path to higher learning. Where you are a chicken or an eagle. 

At this point you should be questioning why as a society we arent being issued into careers. Example. 

A middle school student comes from a long line of construction workers this person wants join the family business. Unfortunately the family is a minor company in a major industrial bank of contractors. Yet the person doesnt believe in grades or schooling just wants to work a shovel and drink.. 

His life choices should still be held accountable. So say his entire family works for third highest industrial manufacturer. His grades only allow him to be licensed with the fifth. He now knows school means somthing. Instead of this bogus red tape that makes us all go crazy when looking for a new job. Now higher learning is to advance yourself in the specific industry you chose. And you have a job right out of highschool to pay for it.

Now divvy up every industry, corporation, and trades. You have several choices and can be taught specified life skills. A lot of these can intermingle, giving options till its narrowed down by skill and understanding.

The point is everyone has gone or seen these bogus Psyco-analysis forms. Everyone has had to look for a job and it's a beauty contest. People say they dont discriminate but if you dont know someone chances are theyll choose someone they know despite experience. People should have a guarenteed job right outta highschool. No red tape nor forms before the interview. Which you may or may not need to wear a swimsuit in the final round. State has your info. Why do you got to keep giving it out? School has your psych evaluation, why do you need a quiz? Schools are supposed to prepare you why arent they doing it? And why are people better off that graduate from good schools till there certification is invalid then they sink faster then the titanic?

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