Upland Urban Uprise - Unlocking The Universe With Sparklet

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 23 Jan 2025

Been weeks again since I last explored the Upland universe, with too much to handle in real life and the cryptoverse. I always have 40 UPX to claim when I log, as I always forget about the game. However, the urban uprise was unlocked by $SPARKLET and the game got some hype! 

The Upland play2earn blockchain game mirrors the real world and real properties. Players can buy, sell or trade virtual properties with UPX, the platform's currency. The game expanded a lot since launch, adding new cities and new dynamics! 

I started long time ago, but my dream to build an empire was unfulfilled. I dived into the Upland Metaverse on the 24th of February 2021, and started my journey by following guides. I bought properties, earned $UPX, completed collections and added buildings on some of my lands.  


I must admit I ignored Upland for months, as it doesn't feel like the hustle could turn into earnings! Or maybe is just me who doesn't understand real estate! Made a cameo for the Sparklet Chapter One event, and hustled a bit to be eligible for a slice of the airdrop. 

The mission was to engage with tweets and level up by accumulating experience and points. I am always online so this wasn't much of a hustle, and I consider my self a veteran airdrop hunter. Was not a bad campaign, as the points were converted to SPARKLET inside Upland

At the end of the campaign I got my share from the bounty, collecting 0.83 $SPARK. The big currency is made of 1000 SPARKLET, therefore my slice from the airdrop was 830 fragments. Was time to build! 


Building structures will make the property look cooler and earn more $UPX. However, you will need $SPARK to build, something that was given to all players in Upland as part of the global launch of $SPARK back in 2021. I received some back then and use it straight away. 

You can still earn $SPARK by logging to Upland for seven consecutive days, and a small amount will be credited when the streak is completed! This is not something I can do due to my busy routine, and I completed the strake about five times in four years of playing. 

I forgot about the game for weeks, until Chapter Two was announced. Similar dynamics as the previous one, but with multipliers for those that participated in the past. Got another share of the bounty, and claimed 333 SPARKLET in the game.


Another event followed shortly, aiming to reward those that hold on their tokens. I received 65 $SPARKLET as part of the exclusive earner's airdrop! Loyalty is a precious thing, even in games! 

I used the minor airdrop to fasten up the construction that was taking place on one of my properties. Few weeks later I received another gift... 71 sparklet dropped directly in my account. Boosted the same work, and with the two recent top-ups it will finish 12 days before the initial estimation. 


So... how's my Upland empire looking after three years of playing? No idea how to rate it! All the assets are stuck in the Metaverse, and off-ramping is far from being a smooth experience.

The game's economy, map expansion, and community-driven developments continue to evolve, making it both a game and an experiment in digital property ownership. I will wait until all this becomes mainstream, and hopefully this will happen sooner rather than later! 

Meanwhile, my latest construction finished and it's time for a new one. x was the property chosen for an upgrade, and a block of flats will be built on the land. I already had a second construction in progress and I top it up with sparklet to finish quicker. Upgraded the stake to 1669 and the construction time was reduced with a week! 


Residual Income:

Airdrop Hunting: Layer3 / Mode / Linea / Zerion 

Sonium: Sake Fi / SoneFi / Kyo 

Lisk: https://portal.lisk.com/airdrop with code : OHbgua

Content: Publish0x & Hive 

Play2Earn: Splinterlands & Holozing 

Cashback Cards: GnosisPay & Plutus 

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