Announcing My Candidancy For The Horizen Council

By PVM | Mind Puzzle | 27 Dec 2024

I first encountered the world of cryptocurrency in 2015, captivated by the revolutionary potential of Bitcoin. This initial spark led me to delve deeper into the Ethereum ecosystem, and my journey evolved further during the DeFi summer of 2020. It was during this transformative time that I embarked on a new chapter as a blockchain content creator.

In August 2020, I discovered Horizen and wholeheartedly embraced its vision, becoming a proud Zenvangelist. Since then, I have served the community in various capacities—as an Ambassador, activity coordinator, event organizer, and contributor. Today, I am honored to be a Community Steward, continuing my dedication to the growth and success of Horizen.


When the Horizen blockchain transitioned towards the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) through EON, I stood firmly behind this transformative upgrade. From being an early testnet user and tester to actively spreading awareness, I’ve been committed to sharing the latest developments and news.

I proudly proposed the ZenIP 42405 DRAFT: Directing the Horizen Foundation to Request a Migration Proposal for $ZEN and EON. Now, I am excited to announce my candidacy for the DAO Council, eager to continue contributing to the growth and success of the Horizen ecosystem.

The ecosystem upgrade and the creation of zkVerify marked a pivotal milestone for Horizen, and I proudly contributed to this evolution through the publication of insightful content. Additionally, I took on the role of Moderator within the zkVerify Discord, helping foster a strong, engaged community as we embraced this groundbreaking development.

Horizen is uniquely positioned to redefine the crypto landscape, as both EON and zkVerify hold the potential to set a new standard for blockchain technology. Expanding social media presence and forging strategic partnerships with blue-chip protocols will drive fresh dynamics within the ecosystem, and these initiatives are central to my agenda.

My primary focus will be on ensuring a seamless ZEN migration and facilitating a smooth transition that accelerates mass adoption, positioning Horizen at the forefront of the blockchain revolution.

I know 2025 will be better for all! For crypto enthiasts... for the Horizen ecosystem... and for the world!

My background and education is in management & marketing. Have two bachelors degrees and a master degree, plus a plethora of crypto courses and training.

A multi-platform strategy should be embraced, meaning the DAO should not limit itself to just Twitter or Reddit. Engaging on platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and even TikTok can help reach different segments of the target audience.

Decentralized content platforms like Lens Protocol,, and Farcaster also align with the DAO’s principles and can help reach Web3-native communities.

In terms of strengthening strategic partnerships, the DAO should focus on identifying potential partners that align with its values and mission. Other DAOs with similar goals, or traditional companies that are embracing blockchain technologies, can serve as key collaborators.

Another avenue for strategic partnerships involves collaborating with DeFi and NFT platforms.

This type of partnership broadens the DAO’s ecosystem and attracts users from other blockchains. Similarly, collaborating with other DAOs in different ecosystems could lead to shared governance models or joint ventures that help both communities grow.

The DAO could also explore partnerships with academic institutions and research organizations. These collaborations can focus on joint research projects, such as exploring decentralized governance, tokenomics, or blockchain scalability.

Working with universities to offer courses, certifications, or educational materials on Web3 technologies can position the DAO as a thought leader and attract new members with a strong interest in blockchain education.

Their is no secret formula to acheive success but I am ready to bring all my knowledge and skills in the service of the Horizen Council

Read this on forum and let me know what do you think! PVM is ready to deliver!


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PVM Verified Member

UMA Ambassador 🐔 Across Committee Member 🌉 Horizen Ambassador

Mind Puzzle
Mind Puzzle

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