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Telegram is the Mos Eisley Cantina (Tatooine) of the Cryptoverse

By Pol Chain | Metaverso | 23 Dec 2021

I recently read that if you want to be at the forefront of what happens in the cryptocurrencies universe, the following requirements are necessary: follow key people on Twitter, have a user on Discord and GitHub, but above all: Use Telegram!

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What WhatsApp (Meta) has of the entire instant messaging market pie (80%), Telegram Messenger has it of the cryptoverse (80%). Launched in 2013, four years after WhatsApp, this cumbersome instant messaging platform is paramour of the Web3. It’s the equivalent of how Coca Cola became associated with McDonald's, or how the Reebok brand did with CrossFit, or how Gatorade dominated the NFL of the incomprehensible American Football in the last century.

Telegram seems at times a power plant and a magnet for a varied fauna of unimaginable creatures. Using the tool is like walking into the Mos Eisley Cantina from Star Wars: A New Hope where “a wretched hive of scum and villainy” coexists, according to Obi-Wan Kenobi. The various monsters and creatures, aliens, androids and robots, remain there with the music at maximum volume, conversing in incomprehensible dialects in an excessive way. At first glance there is disorder, drunkards, surprises and scammers.

Upon arrival the sexy “Love Scammers Bots” automatically greet with a booby trapper: “Hi there!” At every moment the newcomer is dragged to the different tables (groups) with which he has nothing to do. Unbelievable business proposals are launched (99% sure is a scam) that must be accepted instantly. In groups, it is only the bots that comment on the success of this or that investment to attract distracted people to lose their money. WhatsApp vs Telegram: why should Telegram win… and yet it is not

Steps to take to avoid being scammed, to avoid falling in love with a cold and heartbroken Bot, and not to be dragged to tables where all your money will be stolen:

  1. Go to Settings and put all incoming messages in Mute.
  2. Block any stranger from sending messages, no matter how nice they are.
  3. Read the FAQ, then ask and then comment or suggest.
  4. Download the extension for Chrome or Brave. Do not download the desktop application.
  5. Read this article to know the most used scams: Avoid Common Scams On Telegram By Knowing And Understanding Them
  6. As the previous article says go to Settings/Privacy and Security/Groups and Channels and change the default characteristics
  7. Never but never believe in anything or anyone who says that it can help you make a lot of money in a short time.

“You don’t need to see their intentions… These aren’t the investments you’re looking for.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi almost dixit.

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