Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Splinterlands | Splinterlands #407

By mercurial9 | mercurial9 | 10 Jan 2025

Compliments of the season to all the readers. 2025 has kicked off and we are back after taking a short break. Let us hope 2025 is a good year for splinterlands. We are kicking off this year with some things I wish I had known when I started splinterlands.


Focus on Summoners First



Summoners are the backbone of any splinterlands strategy. The level of your summoner dictates the maximum level of monsters you can use, so having summoners at the right level in relation to the monsters in your collection. When I started splinterlands, I made the mistake of buying high-level monsters without upgrading my summoner, only to find that I could not utilize their full potential.


Some strategies to consider when approaching summoners:

  • Versatile summoners – choose summoners that work well across multiple rulesets. Options like Kelya Frendul or Obsidian offer great utility and versatility.
  • Level up gradually – only level up a summoner to the maximum level of cards in your collection and the league you tend to play in.


Remember, a strong summoner can carry you through battles, even with a modest lineup of monsters.


Buying Cards vs. Packs



I get it – its hard to resist the thrill of opening a pack and finding a legendary. There is a reason the Pokémon pack opening niche is so huge on YouTube. However, if your goal is to build a competitive deck, buying specific cards from the market is often the better move. Packs are random and have percentage drops associated to them so there is no guarantee of any of type of monster dropping. While you might get lucky, and why casinos are still a thriving business; the reality is that you will end up with cards you do not need or duplicates.


Packs are random, and while you might get lucky, you are just as likely to end up with duplicates or cards you do not need. So, to help you, here are some simple rules to use:

  • Buy for strategy – if you need specific cards for an upcoming brawl battle or moving up a league, then go to market.
  • Fun – the keyword is fun. If you are feeling lucky and just want to experience a little thrill, then go for it and open packs. As long you manage your expectations and do not rely on them as a primary method for building your collection, then it is okay to have fun.


One small tip; if you are opening packs, always use potions! The potions increase your odds of pulling gold foil or legendary cards. These cards are more powerful and tend to have a higher market value.


Join the Community



The splinterlands community is one of the best in all Web 3.0 games. From Discord channels, articles on hive blockchain and X (search #welcometothefamily), you’ll find players willing to share advice, rent you cards, or help you navigate the game. When I started playing splinterlands, I participated often in many players card giveaways and it was a great way to slowly build my collection.



Another thing that I do not see many new players engage in is the content creation challenges supported by the splinterlands dev team. There are two content creation challenges a week in which all players are encouraged to create content about splinterlands. These weekly challenges have helped me stay engaged with splinterlands over the years and helped build out my splinterlands collection to what it is today.


Concluding Thoughts

Splinterlands can be daunting in the beginning, but with the right approach, it can be rewarding. By focusing on summoners, engaging in the community, and strategically building your collection, you can build a competitive collection without breaking the bank.

What is your best tip for new splinterlands players? Share it in the comments below.


Are you new to splinterlands and want to learn to play the game? Check out my Ultimate Guide to Splinterlands: A Collection of Articles and Guides. If you enjoy reading my splinterlands content, please follow and support me by signing up to playing splinterlands through my affiliate link:

Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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