Shades of Gray Battle Mage Secrets | Splinterlands #375

By mercurial9 | mercurial9 | 10 Aug 2024

This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Shades of Gray Ruleset.


Ruleset Details


The Shades of Gray ruleset in Splinterlands limits players to using only Neutral units in battles. Despite the limited selection, the Neutral deck includes some of the game's most versatile and powerful cards e.g., Lord Arianthus the king of passive tanks! The first thing to note in this ruleset is that the summoners will play a vital role in providing the necessary buffs or debuffs. Additionally, implementing sacrificial strategies, such as using a martyr like Veneri Marksrat in the first position, can bolster tanks like Legionnaire Alvar making them stronger as the battle progresses.


Battle – Full Battle History


Battle Details

  • Mana Cap: 21
  • Ruleset(s): Shades of Gray, Stampede

Line-up Details

  • Thaddius Brood: -1 magic and -1 health to all opposition monsters.
  • Veneri Marksrat: sacrificial Martyr strategy.
  • Xenith Monk: low-mana melee tank with healing.
  • Spirit Healer: support magic damage + backline healing.
  • Xenith Archer + Gem Meteor: backline range damage with high speed to minimize misses.


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?


In this battle, I employed one of my newer favorite strategies – the sacrificial Martyr strategy. The plan was to buff Xenith Monk with Martyr and with its Healing ability, it would provide just enough survivability and allow the backline to do the rest of the work. However, I went into battle with a few under-powered monsters and the opposition’s combination of Legionnaire Alvar and Scavo Hireling was too just too powerful. Every time I thought I had pierced the Legionnaire’s armor, the Scavo’s armor repair ability would proc, and we would be up against this formidable tank. In the end, this proved too much for my Neutral units to overcome.


Do You Like the Shades of Gray Ruleset? Why or Why Not?


The Shades of Gray ruleset is one of the newer rulesets in splinterlands and as always, I enjoy rulesets that open the use of different cards. On my alt account which I play in Modern leagues, I am still building my collection of Neutral units and therefore I am at a slight liability in this ruleset. Let us hope I can get enough Glint to open more Glint reward chests to finish the collection. As I mentioned above, one of my favorite strategies is utilizing the sacrificial Martyr strategy and when it works – it is a thing of beauty.


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