Rise of the Commons Battle Mage Secrets | Splinterlands #373

By mercurial9 | mercurial9 | 3 Aug 2024

This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Rise of the Commons Ruleset.


Ruleset Details


The Rise of the Commons ruleset in Splinterlands limits the cards used in battles to only common and rare units with summoners unaffected. One approach is to utilize Gladiator cards with the Bloodlust ability. Bloodlust allows a monster to gain stats with each kill, making gladiators formidable in this context. Katrelba Gobson is so good in this ruleset as it has the Sneak, Bloodlust and Double Strike at level one and can easily decimate the opposition's backline. Also, you will want tanks that have high survivability like Shieldbearer, Mycelic Infantry, and Living Lava to name a few.


Battle – Full Battle History


Battle Details

  • Mana Cap: 15
  • Ruleset(s): Fab Four, Armored Up, Rise of the Commons

Line-up Details

  • Zintar Mortalis: -1 melee damage to all opposition monsters.
  • Haunted Spirit: low cost high health melee tank with Healing and Magic Reflect.
  • Undead Priest + Haunted Spider: backline range/magic damage + speed debuffs
  • Creeping Ooze: sacrificial lamb + speed debuff.


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?


My opponent went into battle with a high-health tank (Gelatinous Cube) and only one monster capable of attacking from the backline. I thought I had this battle won. However, my opponent and his Gelatinous Cube had other ideas for me. I was unable to outpace the healing and high health of the Cube. Also, the opposition backline monster had Bloodlust and Sneak and it pulverised my lineup into submission single-handedly. Did I mention that Bloodlust is an absolute must for this ruleset? When will I learn?


Do You Like the Rise of the Commons Ruleset? Why or Why Not?

This is the ruleset you want to play as it levels the playing field, especially for players who may own a large collection of epic and legendary monsters. The ruleset forces your hand to not default to those overpowered legendary tanks as the first automatic choice – I am guilty of playing The Kraken so often, but you can’t blame me it’s an OP monster card.


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Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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