Reverse Speed Battle Mage Secrets | Splinterlands #371

By mercurial9 | mercurial9 | 27 Jul 2024

This week’s battle mage secrets focuses on the Reverse Speed Ruleset.


Ruleset Details


In the Reverse Speed ruleset, units with lower speeds attack before those with higher speeds. The attack accuracy, typically influenced by speed, is also reversed, making slower units more likely to hit their targets. However, units with the Bloodlust ability will still gain speed after eliminating an enemy, which can be a strategic consideration. A crucial tip for this ruleset is to avoid using summoners, monsters and abilities that increase speed, as these will disadvantage you by making your monsters attack later. Magic monsters are particularly important since their damage bypasses armor and are not dependent on speed, ensuring consistent hits. Failed Summoner and Dr. Blight are excellent choices due to their low mana costs, high magic damage, and Camouflage ability, which prevents them from being targeted by enemy attacks.


Battle – Full Battle History


Battle Details

  • Mana Cap: 14
  • Ruleset(s): Explosive Weaponry, Even Stevens, Reverse Speed


Line-up Details

  • Quix the Devious: -1 range and -1 speed to all opposition monsters.
  • Mycelic Infantry: low speed melee tank.
  • Fungus Fiend: zero mana sacrificial lamb and provide Blast protection for the rest of the backline.
  • Acid Shooter: support range damage.


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?


The following battle showcased a trio of rulesets (Reverse Speed, Even Stevens, and Explosive Weaponry) and a low mana cap (14). I opted for the Quix the Devious but with the Earth unit of monsters, this is because one of my favorite slow tanks played the main role in the battle – Mycelic Infantry. Mycelic Infantry absolutely excelled in battle with its high damage, high armor/health, Shield ability and most importantly low speed. The rest of the lineup was chosen with the remaining mana cap, but they rarely featured as Mycelic Infantry was able to take on and destroy the opposition on its own.


Do You Like the Reverse Speed Ruleset? Why or Why Not?

I love the Reverse Speed ruleset because it requires a different strategic approach compared to other rulesets. The need to prioritize slower units and rethink typical speed-based strategies rewards careful planning and a deep understanding of each card's attributes. This means that many cards that I usually ignore due to their low speed become critical in this ruleset and another reason why having an expanded splinterlands collection is an absolute must!


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Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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