Meet the creator of Veeket

By Crackers | Meet the NFT Artist | 6 Feb 2024

A big Shout to this artist who took the time to answer this questions even do there English isn't great . She has been on Wax for a while and this has been in the pipe works for a while


Hey and welcome.

Hello Crackers, thank you for conducting this interview with me and giving me the opportunity to talk about Veeket.

How you today?

I am great and you?

How did your crypto journey start?

My crypto journey started in March 2023 when my boyfriend told me about NFTs and helped me upload my own collection to Wax. It's incredible but very soon my Veeketendeer collection will be one year old!

Why did you start creating nfts?

I started creating NFTs because I love making digital illustrations. I am a designer in visual communication (graphic design) but a while ago I discovered that what I liked most was illustrating, so I started my own brand/business to print t-shirts, mugs and other products with my art. I have been uploading my illustrations to Veeket's Instagram for several years, but in recent months I began to dedicate myself almost exclusively to making NFTs for my Wax collection.

Why was Wax blockchain the right blockchain for your project?

I chose Wax Blockchain because I like their community, as they highly value artistic work and everyone supports each other. The tools that Wax has and its different markets such as Nefty and HiveNFT are also useful to me.

What's the idea behind the project?

The idea behind the project is undoubtedly to share my love for animals, trees and plants, giving them the spotlight in most of my illustrations. My intention is to make something that conveys a message of love and share it with the world.

What was your first NFT you dropped?


The first NFT I uploaded to the Drop of my Veeketendeer collection is called “Zorrito Common For SALE!” It was an illustration of a little fox with some mushrooms on its head, “Common” version and then I made a “Rare” version. Being the first NFT we uploaded, we had some problems with the format and the name, but little by little we learned to use the platforms better so that the collection looked good.

How did the community react?

The community was very kind and warm to me... that surprised me and made me very happy since I did not expect to have my first sales quickly. Everything was pure surprise and joy, without a doubt I am very grateful for the support I received from other artists in the community. It inspires and motivates me to see incredible collections that are doing very well.

How many NFTs have you launched since?

At the moment in my Veeketendeer collection I have around 30 NFTs and packs for sale and I am preparing the new DROPS that will be released soon. I have several ideas in mind that excite me and I would like to carry them out with the hope that the public likes them as much as I do.

How do you create your NFTs?

I create my NFTs on my desktop computer at home, listening to music and looking out a window that overlooks the garden. I usually think of an animal or plant that I would like to illustrate and I look for images to inspire me and observe its characteristics. I usually use pastel color palettes and also bright, happy colors, as I feel they convey joy. I always try to try new styles, brushes and textures, until I discover which one I feel most comfortable with.

Do you use many programs?

To do all my graphic work and illustrate my NFTs I use Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator... and to record videos I use the OBS program. My main tool is my graphics tablet, with which I discovered a before and after when it came to illustrating, thanks to it the course of my career and my life changed.

What has been your favorite you have created?


My favorite NFT is the Veeket Pack – Bats. I like the final result of the three illustrations and the pack :)

Have you done any collabs yet?

Yes, I have done some small collaborations for some projects and I would like to do more in the future.

What is the long term plan for the project?

I think that Veeket will naturally transform over time, since I would like to try and experience different things, but always transmitting the same message. I have many ideas that I would like to apply, some of them require time, knowledge and others money, but I trust that I will be able to achieve them little by little. I would like to create a large, joyful collection so that people enjoy collecting and treasuring each piece. I would also like Veeket to one day become a physical and digital store and be able to ship my products to all parts of the world.

What has been the hardest part of the project?

The most difficult part of the project has been starting to upload the collection and having to get used to using social networks that are new to me, such as Twitter or Telegram. The language is also a bit difficult for me, since I don't know how to speak English very well, but thanks to Google Translate I can communicate with people from all over the world.

What has been best part of doing the project?

The best part about doing the project is the freedom I feel being able to create something from scratch and at my own pace. I also really like the idea of ​​transmitting my love for nature to the world and feeling that there are many other people feeling the same.


What you like to do to unwind?

To disconnect, I like to “drink mate” while watering the trees and plants, in the company of the animals that surround me. The garden is my favorite place to relax and play with my 7 cats and 2 dogs.

When is the next drop?

I'm illustrating my next Drops with the intention of uploading them very soon in February!

Where can we keep up with the project?

Where can we buy your NFTs?

To see my collection you can visit the following links:

I have sent some NFTs to your wallet to do a giveaway

Anything else you want to add?

I am Veeket, I live in the countryside, I like to create, illustrate and play with art, animals make me very happy and I would like everyone to feel the love that they are capable of giving. I always wanted to do and live from something related to art and here I am uniting my two passions.

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Meet the NFT Artist
Meet the NFT Artist

This is a series where I chat to different artists in the NFT world

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