Meet the creator of SQS NFT

By Crackers | Meet the NFT Artist | 4 Nov 2023

Here is a project that describes themself as SQS is a creative community that employs models, photographers, content makers, etc... so I got to drop the creator some questions this what he had to say


Hey and welcome How you today?

Hey good.

How did your journey in cryptocurrency start?

It all started with the rise of cryptocurrencies and our keen interest in them. Ethereum with its smart contracts caught our attention and we were intrigued by the idea of creating our first smart contract. Over the years, we gained experience in blockchain technology by participating in various cryptoconferences and eventually became part of the Ukrainian crypto industry. After participating in several crypto projects, I joined CoinJapan, a company that was involved in the implementation of projects in Japan. Even when the company disbanded, I remained passionate about blockchain technologies and decided to continue my path in this field.


Why did you start creating NFTs?

We started creating NFT to empower ourselves as artists and monetize our talents.

Why was the Wax blockchain the right blockchain for your project?

The Wax blockchain was an ideal choice due to its NFT focus, low transaction costs, and excellent community support. It is the perfect ecosystem for our project.

What is the idea behind the project?

Teaming up with creative individuals, as well as the desire to familiarize as many people as possible with the possibilities of the wax platform through our art and creativity.

What was your first NFT?


Our first issue of NFT featured a collection of attractive works with girl models done digitally.

How has the community reacted?

The response has been fantastic! The community has shown great support and enthusiasm, which has encouraged us to continue to develop our vibrant creative center.

How many NFT collections have you launched since then?

We have launched one collection with sub-categories and different NFTs each with their own unique style and purpose. The community continues to grow and with it our offerings.

How do you create your NFTs? Do you use a lot of programs?

Our NFTs are created using a variety of programs and tools to provide variety and visual appeal to the digital art.

What is your favorite thing you have created?

It's hard to single out one thing, each NFT holds a special place in our hearts. The diversity of our collection makes each one unique and exciting. We love the Exclusive collection they're pretty limited + of course we also love the gold one).

Have you collaborated with any projects before?

Yes, we've had some interesting collaborations with artists and creatives who share our vision of celebrating art in the NFT space. Here are some of them pixeltycoons, amigos2space, funmangalaxy etc.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

We dream of collaborating with influential figures in the art world who could bring even more recognition to the NFT space.


Will you promote your project to other markets?

Entering other markets is part of our plan. We believe in making our art available to a larger audience.

If you could start a new NFT project, what would it be based on?

It would be another project dedicated to creativity and community, perhaps using interactive NFT and innovative digital art forms.

What do you like to do to relax?

We go for walks in nature and sometimes we sleep :)

What does your family think of the project?

They support our idea and understand the huge potential of the NFT in the creative industries.

When will be the next drop?

Drops happen regularly for communication in our telegram chat. A series of other interesting drops are also planned. Follow the news on our channels.

Where can we follow the project?


You can follow all our latest updates and NFT drops on our Telegram, Twitter and website.

🔗 Official Website:



🐦 Follow us on Twitter:

Where can we buy your NFTs?

Discover our NFT Collections:

🌐 NFT Hive:

🪙 NeftyBlocks:

👉 Find out more in our Farm

Is there a chance to get an NFT or 2 for the contest?

There is a bot in telegram chat that randomly gives out our NFTs for communication. + yes We love interacting with our community, and yes, we regularly run exciting contests, raffle, bounty with rewards in the form of NFTs and Tokens.

What else would you like to add?

Extra Card holders can earn tokens while chatting. We are grateful for the support of our community. Stay tuned as we continue to build a center of creativity and innovation in the NFT world.

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Meet the NFT Artist
Meet the NFT Artist

This is a series where I chat to different artists in the NFT world

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