31.03.23, China pact with Russia // US dollar down // DIGITAL ID = can´t leave the country without it, NEW LAW, EU, Romania, AGENDA 2030

By alexisread | Maybe also, your wisdom | 31 Mar 2023



China and russia PACT // US dollar Problems // DIGITAL ID- in romania, after 2030 ,you can't leave the country without it, only digital ID








China pact with russia, at least economically .

Dollar gets Problem after bankbailout

Digital ID: World new plan, romanian cant exit country without digital ID , agenda 2030



1.China and russia have already made a new economically stable alliance. As they have borders with each other, this will benefit all sides.


2. The US dollar seems to be a playground . . Since the Banks Bailout , as few banks gone, and other banks get sued, the question is, what is .....the next better system?
Printing more paper money wont be the solution.
But printing digital money, is already the solution, brought by satoshi, faketoshi. nakamot

3. Digital ID,

The new romanian ID 's are with a chip and digital traced. They lunched them already as FREE ID, after that , you might have to pay for them. The citizen of the country will be only allowed to exit the country with the digital ID , after 2030. This is the new law that they push inside the gouverment. Well it is not just inside Eu, take a look around your city or Goverment.

What will the people of the romanian country decide to do?
Are they already accepting this ?
What will the next stage be, :? if you dont have the digital ID , you might not go to buy food:?



Thanks for reading and watching




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