29.04.23 - CBDC , everywhere , the end ….of your freedom , is now ....watch video

By alexisread | Maybe also, your wisdom | 29 Apr 2023





Mauritius is going for a prototype CBDC.

In China, one city already decided, to pay its service workers, in CBDC. Starting MAY 2023.

Belarus wants to transit to CBDC by the end of the year.

CBDC took over NIGERIA, because the fiat money, dissapeared. No cash....no option left.....
USA, and the FED ,,PAY NOW SYSTEM,, comes to life.

UAE also aims for a CBDC pilot project.

IF you combine that ....with their new WALL CITY project, a city without cars, only robots, Ai , and everything...15 mins away. …you know where this leads to....

The G7 countries collaborate against crypto and want to, regulate, the market.

Or the ....realistic point of view, the control of freedom will be.......a total control...as CBDC will roll out and regulations will chase every crypto coin.

The only option for people to escape the system..... was actually crypto....but i saw the mistake people did there....
People took crypto and sold it for fiat, by making...... the crypto fiat market exchange called your.....also daily stocks. …..Crypto- stocks.

All of us, were mentally managed by the FIAT currency system,
The fiat system teaches you already , not to trust in any other payment methods.

Back them, at the start of bitcoin, no one saw turst in digital money, without beeing exchanged to fiat currency .

The other problem , people ignored is : you don't own the printer of FIAT currency...only the banking CARTEL DOES.

So crypto.... only did one thing:

made the SYSTEM FIAT INVESTOR richer.
....and the freedom crypto had, was an illusion.

THE SAME PEOPLE ….. are making the new rules for the CRYPTO MARKET and are creating the total control .....CBDC. Right now.

Because FIAT, currency is UNLIMITED, you can BUY ALL CRYPTO, then you introduce REGULATIONS, …....., no one has police , army or so.... to defend any coin.... so people have to obey regulations.


Crypto FREEDOM doesnt exist, you also pay TAX, for transactions ....remember my words.

You pay tax for TRANSACTIONs …...same macro.


If you don't pay for transactions, you can't make them, same rules...as fiat system... and even if the fees go to miners: who the fuck are they to tax ,you ?

No crypto is free of transaction fees, or  can you tell me one of them ?.

TAX= fee or (3 party involvment ) is the devil work ! same as fiat currency system.


but for now.


..we will see ...what will happen next...

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Maybe also, your wisdom
Maybe also, your wisdom

some of this, but more of that.

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