24.03.23 - The Age of anti-human-laws TRAILER, by alexisread & watch video * CBDC, GOV, WEF, NATO, YOUTUBE INFLUENCE,, total control, is around the corner.....

By alexisread | Maybe also, your wisdom | 27 Apr 2023




NATO : NEW manipulated young children, PLAYING with drohnes AND BOMBS ,FOR the elite.


European Union,

the new dictator who steals ressources and people, by Destabilizing countrys and ECONOMY


CBDC: just a game for the gov and the elite, to get control

when you accept , everything digital, your done !


some Youtubers: new world order puppets ?

they say: ”implant the neuralink,, and they follow the anti-human -reproduction-agenda by claiming : they are not, what the nature made them

China,total control of Humans really works.....coming to you...


Russia: just a puppet for CBDC, defence - someone has to make war in order to change a system....the world system is based on WIN, WAR , LOSE, WAR .so...the people dont win, just DIE.....and the WARS arent won, the WAR is just MADE, to make people die . thats it ......

The winner are, the ones who make more people die, thats the SYSTEM . 

People arround the globe PROTEST

the illusion:  peacefull protest

this was implemented in your mind, so you go protest, yell ..then..., go home, wait for next LAW, nothing changes, same guys, same laws , same system the solution:....you know it, erase everything that has to do with them, the whole system.....


watch the trailer, there is more...... 

i will get banned ,,,,,,,,, or this .....or followed....maybe die, .......because i am ready for fight.


...., i aint gonna wait .......to be a TOTAL SLAVE.





thanks for reading and watching

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Maybe also, your wisdom
Maybe also, your wisdom

some of this, but more of that.

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