blackrock crash

02.04.23- Robert Kiyosaki: Housing Market Crash, Blackrock also // China and Russia trade in YUAN, soon a world currency? watch video


 Robert Kiyosaki: Housing Market Crash, Blackrock also //

China and Russia trade in YUAN







Russia and china trade in yuan

.As Iran also wants to join BRICS. The Economic officials of russia said that the trades between russia and china are 2\3 made in their currency. That means a 66,6% of the deals


Robert Kiyosaki our world economy ninja is making again the move ,we can listen to what that means:

Take a look at the video , up there. recorded from 30.03.2023 official rich dad channel


Will it be better to offer you a gold coin instead of CBDC?

The gold is yours. The cbdc on gov blockchain, what will you choose?

Are you prepared for the housing market crash ?
Are there other better investments to do right now, like gold?


we will soon see , what the options are


Thanks for reading and watching



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