china takeover?

01.04.23 China and Brazil , saying no, to US dollar, contract signed // SAUDI ARABIA join's BRICS NATIONS, invests in China refinery deals! watch video

Hi there,


China and Brazil trade together, saying no ,to US Dollar //

SAUDI ARABIA join's BRICS NATIONS ,invests in China refinery deals







Earlier this year, china and brazil signed a memorandom of cooperation, to establish rmb, clearing arrangements in brazil.

These arrangements will help enterprises and financial institutions in both countries conduct cross border transactions usind the RMB. They will also facilitate bilateral trade and investment.


Saudi Arabia joins BRICS? and Shanghai cooperation? the new silkroad begins ?


Saudi invest in china with ARAMCO, making 2 refinery deals, no dollar involved. China is helping Saudi Arabia and other Countries to join BRICS, is Mexico next ?

Are they also actually pushing the digital yuan ?
China already announced their new digital currency and with this new connections and partnerships, china could become, to big to fail.

We will see what will happen next


Would you accept the digital yuan as RESERVE CURRENCY ?
If we get the digital yuan, are we also suppose to live by the same rules as in china ?
Is the world just a chess game, in order to get total control? At the end....only the people can accept or not.

Thanks for reading and watching




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