ravencoin anniversary

Ravencoin Anniversary

By Makingdigital | makingdigitals | 3 Jan 2021

Today is the anniversary of RAvencoin. The American cryptocurrency is 3 years old today since its first block was mined.

Ravencoin is a Fork of Bitcoin that seems to be in oblivion but has never lost hope of making a dent in the Top 10 of the most traded cryptocurrencies on the market.

It is ranked number 105 with a price of 0.01 cents on the dollar at the time of this writing. Bruce Fenton, a militant of the Bitcoin foundation that produced the most famous cryptocurrency in the world, is one of the founders of Ravencoin.

For the most curious, I want to tell you that the symbol of the raven that symbolizes the currency is due to the game of thrones. A series of fantasy and adventures that the founders of Ravencoin fell in love with and thanks to it they fixed the raven in their cryptocurrency.

There are currently more than 70 pairs of Ravencoin, highlighting that of USDT, BTC, ETH and Binance Coin.

If you want to win some free Ravencoin you can do so on the Faucetcrypto platform in honor of its anniversary.

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