$7,000 received thanks to FORTH airdrop!

By MakeItReal | MakeItReal | 25 Apr 2021

Yesterday has been a day of unexpected celebration for me... The Ampleforth (AMPL) team gave a huge airdrop for those who have held AMPL in the past few months. I went to the site https://www.ampleforth.org/governance/claim/ , I connected Metamask, entered the address of the wallet on which I held my AMPLs and saw this incredible screen:


I completed the claim and after a few minutes I saw them credited to my Atomic Wallet:


Probably if I wasn't an active user on Publish0x I would never have held AMPL and I could never claim this crazy airdrop, so a huge thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to create this amazing project called Publish0x. Love you! Thank you so much!


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