Avax is set for a system wide upgrade

Avax Next Up

Mutterings are that Base is next up for the degens. Why, I don't know. They just do stuff. I see far more potential in Avax.

Not only does Avax have the web3 AAA gaming narrative working in its favor with Shrapnel and Bloodloop, but it also has the Culture on Avax initiative. I believe COA will be the first successful attempt to commercialise degen culture since 2021 Tezos. Here's why.

Why Avax is Not... Off Base 😂

Just 8 hours ago, the Avalanche Foundation Twitter announced Memecoin Rush. Similar to the January Arbitrum incentive structure, Avalanche will now be offering extra liquidity incentives for its chosen memecoins — $COQ, $NOCHILL, $KIMBO, $TECH. The Foundation also confirmed its own investment into each of these coins as well as preferential treatment for artists that come with valuable contributions [read: popular community memes] for the chain.

I like Avalanche's efforts to legitimise memecoin culture. It will fold well into their gaming meta and provide a wide surface for normies to enter web3 — perhaps the widest curated surface area of any major chain. Think about it: Whether you like AAA FPS or dog coins, Avax has something for you minus the scams and uncertainty of a Solana or Base. You can get in without a 90% chance of losing 100% of your money. 🤣

The Timeline

I believe Avax will be a slower cooker than a completely degenerate led movement with few winners and 99% losers. I like this. I stated before that degen memecoin trading is for a specific type of person. If you're not that type of person, then you shouldn't trade that stuff.

Brothers. All that's necessary to succeed in a crypto bull market is that you don't get shaken out of your belief system and capitulate into someone else's belief system. I.e. if you trade real projects that move slowly, don't have that yolo fuckit moment where you destroy your position to ape into the degen memecoin world. You will lose. Same goes for successful memecoin traders. If that's what you do, go do that. Anything else will be too slow for you. Spread out over time, both philosophies have similar results.

It's not the philosophy; it's the appropriate match of the person and the philosophy that brings success.

So Avax will cook more slowly, even its memecoins. That fits me perfectly. If I can DCA into $TECH at a $20M mcap knowing it's backed by the Foundation, that's a better play for me than frantically throwing money at every new Dextools listing.

But by the end of the bull, Avax memecoins will end up in the same place, if not better, than degencoins on other chains. The Foundation has the ability to compete on a high level and drive its chosen coins into competition with stuff like $WIF and $EPEP.

The Willpower of Avax

The Avax community already showed major strength throughout this recent BTC dip. $AVAX climbed from $40 to $60 and held around $50 even as bitcoin fell from its lofty $70k highs. This price action was in contrast to the other top 50 chains/projects, which followed BTC down. My guess is that insiders knew the new meme initiatives were coming.

Avax also continues to shed its image of being a dino coin. As coins from previous cycles rebrand — Merit Circle to Beam — Avax updates itself with new initiatives rather than a virtue signal. Price action strength and narrative control are the two things every crypto coin needs to moon. All signs point to the chosen projects in the Avax system getting huge buffs this cycle, and unlike other chains, you don't have to guess which memes will likely carry the day.

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👁️‍🗨️ The truth about these NFT communities.

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