So you missed Pepe, Bonk, Bome, Dogwifhat and the bus home. I know the feeling. Some people (schizo 13 year olds) are just made to play the memecoin game and others (normal adults) aren't.
It doesn't feel good to watch everybody making money and your portfolio sitting there stuck on whatever. Worst case scenario, the fomo even pulls you off your square and you go chasing this or that rally, only to find out it's done the second you hit the buy button. Price stalls out right where you got in, chops for a bit, then dumps. You watch all the copers and scammers screaming to diamond hand, so you do, even though you could get out with maybe a 5-10% gain. You came in the memecoin game for big money, not this chump change.
Another dump. But the community seems even more alive. You're starting to feel a little warm inside, but you seem supported by all of the other people yelling "hodl" and "imagine fading gen wealth" and you know the rest. Huge dump from an early insider. You turn off the screen but say you'll hold until 0 because that's what all those influencooors you trusted said to do. That's how you play memecoins; don't be a pussy!
All the while, dump dump dump. You go to bed and wake up the next day to find you've been wiped out. You feel like a fool, but everybody is on to the next memecoin. How do these idiots have all this money? You try to keep up, but you're now having to sell some of your core positions if you want to get in on the next one, which, by the way, you're an hour late on because the message came in to get in while you were asleep. The message said mcap was $150k. You hurry to copypasta in the token address, and it's already up to $550k. You fomo in and the same shit starts all over again.
Am I close? This is how — I'm assuming, because I don't personally know — how the majority of retail gets screwed over in crypto. I learned last cycle that I'm just not dumb enough to play this game, so until I graduate to right-side-bell-curve-mage, I'm out. I just can't turn my brain off long enough to get paid in that market.
Fortunately, I found an alternative that works for me and pays just as well, if not better, with less risk...
Picks and shovels, my friend. Picks and shovels.
The casino makes more money than any player in the pit. And with the multiples that crypto puts on picking the right project, I quickly learned that you don't have to get in on the latest memecoin craze to get rich. There are way, way less people getting rich off memes than you think. It's just the victories get syndicated so much you think it's everybody. It's not. Remember people are shamed into keeping losses to themselves ("FUD! FUD! He's a fudder! Block him!")
Web3 gives individuals more opportunity than ever to get rich off the picks and shovels. When everybody's headed for the meme casino, I'm headed for the tools they'll be using to facilitate their degeneracy — the bridges, the swaps, the bots, the dashboards.
Ah, the dashboards. They take center stage today because they are the tool that every degen meme trader needs. Invest in the right tool before a narrative hits and you get a consistent income for the extent of the narrative without having to worry about insider dumps or illogical pivots.
Enter $ATECH.
I wrote this article a bit too late, because someone discovered the play before I could publish. $ATECH pumped 110% after a textbook shakeout that took it to all time highs for a brief bit. The good news: ATH corresponds with an $ATECH market cap of ≈ $400k. This project is incredibly small.
$ATECH is Dextools for Avalanche memecoins. Its dashboard is geared towards sniffing out scams quickly and providing the most important information for degens as quickly as possible. With Avax providing a substantial support system to its Culture initiative, memecoins are about to become a bigger deal on the gaming chain. You can bet degens will look to a dashboard they can trust. When they do, $ATECH will be right there.
Aside from being a first mover for the Avax meme culture narrative, the $ATECH team isn't sitting on its laurels. They are developing an entire suite of tools for degenerate one stop shopping and reworking their tokenomics to adjust to the new paradigm of Avax culture.
And for those saying Avax is a dinosaur: I would have agreed with you before these latest initiatives from the core Avax squad. But they hit the nail on the head by focusing on culture and memes. They have a head start on the gaming narrative with Beam and Shrapnel providing positive attention. This move was a timely build on gaming that encouraged buyers to give $AVAX a 50% boost to $60 while nearly everything else was selling off.
So with $ATECH as an example on Avax, I have found that seeking out the picks and shovels around meme culture provides plenty of opportunity to get the same returns as degen meme hunters without all that degen risk. $ATECH itself is still an incredible play, as it hasn't even hit $500k mcap yet. There are also tons of other picks and shovels plays you might consider depending on the chain you prefer.
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👁️🗨️ Make sure you're in position to profit from web3 gaming in 2024.