Good Day awesome loud mouth fam, I hope you guys have been busy collecting your full sets because here comes some LOUD news. I’ve been working on something cool for you guys that complete a full common, uncommon, rare or universal set. You will be dropped a loud mouth collector leaf depending on which and how many sets you have completed. You have between now and December 5, 2020 to scour the market and complete your full set to get either a bronze, silver, gold or galactic collector leaf or all for those that get up to the galactic collector spots.
Now I know you may ask well what exactly is a full set of common and such well a full common set is 1 of each of the following: loud mouths original, crystallized, bullseye, Blue’s dream, cotton candy mix up, emerald green, heat sync, purple haze and slime green.
A full uncommon set consists of the following: loud mouth variants original-mesmerized version, slime, explosive, LOUD Mouth, golden foil, universal dispersal prepackaged and universal dispersal.
A full rare set consists of the following: loud mouth variants: bubble gum, frozen lemonade, 50 (Strsh movement error card), loud gamer, blueberry sugar crystals, deluxe, gold halftone and glitched explosive
Now for the tasty bits the galactic collector leaf is for the best of the best collectors out there because in order to complete a full set you would have needed to be dropped one of the legendary unicorn stickers or be able to pick one up off of the secondary market. A full Loud Mouth Galactic set comprises of you holding a complete common, uncommon and rare set along with promo 1, promo 3, 1 of each of the 16 stickers and 1 of each of the legendary unicorn head stickers.
So for you Mighty and Galactic collectors out there godspeed to you in your fight to the top.
Since you've made it this far here's a treat: An update about series 2 will be posted soon and ill do my very best to make it great for all of you, stay Loud guys!