#DTubeMigrAction (Oberheim matrix 1000 jam) Ditemi perché - Tell me why



This tune started from a jam on Regata Collective Studio, with an old vintage Oberheim matrix 1000 and Tanzaff aka Fabio Müller. Music is the way. I only puts words where notes already create universe. Fabio solo on Korg Monologue

Shared on DTube

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Tell me why you can't choose
Tell me why you can't win
Tell me why you can't be born
Tell me why you can't grow up

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Lorenzo The big Brain
Lorenzo The big Brain

Italian Romantic Songwriter and Musicoin believer https://linktr.ee/lorenzopistolesi


An Italian Romantic Songwriter creating music from blockchain collaboration. Follow this trip, music trip, in differents style, one poetry.

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