Excellent alternative channels covering the Ukraine and Russian war

By Dennis76 | Looking after yourself | 8 May 2023

For those of you seeking out alternative and experienced commentary of the the world's current political and economic news with a particular focus on the Ukraine and Russian war, look no further than the Duran channel. They are based on Odysee as well as Youtube.

Alex (Odysee and Youtube) and Alexander (Odysee and Youtube) also have their own personal channels with exceptional coverage and analysis into the political and economic events the world and in particular, Europe are currently going through. 

They have extensive experience and qualifications in talking about these issues and raise important questions and provide detailed analysis about what is happening on the ground, what it might mean, and what may well happen in the future.

A couple of their videos are included below, but I highly recommend subscribing to them on Youtube and the crypto alternative, Odysee. If you have yet to join Odysee, please use my referral link and we both earn a little crypto.

If you know of other channels or websites that provide real information, real data and excellent analysis, please let me know in the comments below.

Alex's latest video


Alexander's latest video

And the latest video from the two of them - The Duran


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