New NFT Sales Of The Week (Tiger Woods comes out with a collection)

By LiteLiger | LiteLiger Blog | 29 Sep 2021

New NFT Sales Of The Week (Tiger Woods comes out with a collection)


Another Week of NFT lifestyle, gains and losses ain't gonna stop now. I am currently working really hard to get things up and running on NFT-Citadel to provide a very good database of sales Infos and other informational stuff.

  1. CloneX -
  2. Dark Horizon -
  3. InfinityLabs -
  4. meeples -
  5. VoxPunks -
  6. Outkast -
  7. Bone World -
  8. Tommy Hearns -
  9. Tiger Woods -
  10. Compendi Pigs -
  11. Ethemerals -
  12. SkullX -
    Bonus) Pot Head Club -

In order to enter the Twitter contest go here and follow my profile and type in wax address on the comments

As always I'm not a financial advisor nor someone who can vet contracts and see if projects are scams or not. 

Join my lounges to hang out and talk about general crypto stuff! For Business, inquiries drop an email to [email protected] and ill get back to you in 48h
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