How to open an NFT-store for your project: step-by-step guide

By | Liquidifty Blog | 27 Apr 2022

If you need to create an NFT-store for your project, you don’t need to make it from scratch and put an enormous effort into it.

Instead, you can use the Liquidifty platform and open a store in a fraction of time and start selling right away. Liquidifty provides various tools to boost the sales, including marketing support.

With Liquidifty making a store becomes a piece of cake – we’ve prepared a simple instruction that will guide you through all the steps. 

1. Go to the main page of the Liquidifty , and click a “Connect wallet” button. If you don't have a MetaMask wallet or the BNB network is not added to it – we have a quick instruction on how to do both.


2. Once you connect the wallet and add the appropriate chain –  open the account menu and choose Profile.


3. Add username, name, and description of your project and NFT-store concept. You can choose any profile image and cover – customize the appearance as you want. Don't forget to add links to your Website, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, and Medium. Click “Save”.


Here is an example of the NFT-store appearance:


4. Now your account is awesome! It's time to mint or integrate your NFTs. For minting click “Create NFT” in the upper menu of the page.


Upload any file you want, fill in the fields: NFT Name, description, amount, price, royalty. After making sure that you completed all the fields, check that you have coins to pay for gas and click “Create”.

If you want to integrate the collection, please, text us in the Intercom chat, you will find a button in the lower right corner of the page. Our team will help you with that. Very soon the direct integration through the interface will be available.

Liquidifty offers various options for NFT collections sales boost:

  • Mystery boxes that feature a special random token from your collection, usually NFTs with different rarity levels. Users are ready to buy the content for a fixed price and get a chance to own something rare. 
  • Selling tokens in a bundle – we can bundle tokens from different contracts and make representation and purchases easier for the users. This is an example, how the page can look like:
  • Marketing and full technical support for the projects. We audit the social networks of the project, make recommendations on the development of communication channels, include projects in our marketing events, and help with advertising through various social media channels. 

Try to use these tools and many other advantages of a partnership with Liquidifty.

5. You have everything to start selling your NFTs and upgrading your NFT-store. We don't charge anything for creating a store. The page is fully yours, manage it, use Liquidifty tools to increase your exposure, appear in trending collections and make as much money as you've always dreamt about!

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Liquidifty — NFT marketplace on Binance Smart Chain with Initial NFT Offering platform and Launchpad for gaming projects.

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Liquidifty Blog

Liquidifty — NFT marketplace on Binance Smart Chain with Initial NFT Offering platform and Launchpad for gaming projects.

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