Effect Of Loneliness

By Profittrader | LIFE FACULTY | 22 Jan 2025

Hello friends! how is everyone doing today ? I see the year is buzzing with new crypto trend, and $TRUMP seems to be breaking  memes token record. It's crazy! Well, am just going to sit back and watch how this goes, on a bored and lonely day like this.

Talking of a bored and lonely day, am this one person who prioritize staying alone, as it gives me the full time to work on myself and make some good research on developing technologies
Note; In this word I said, "staying alone", I didn't say "Lonely". YOU should know there is a different in being lonely and staying alone. One can be lonely in the midst of people. Conversely
one can be alone but not lonely.

Loneliness is some kind of emotions people experience sometimes at certain stage of life. It is not the effect of lack of partners or companionship, but some kind of weird feelings of isolation.
This kind of disconnectedness that influences a person emotionally. I have felt this sometimes ago, but I could not tell what actually made me to feel that way, because different event occurred then, while trying to process things out, I realized that the end result was loneliness.

YOU know I think there could be some explanations or reason to why people feel very lonely. people might decide to stay alone, but nobody will love to be lonely therefore meaning that loneliness is a kind of emotional situations that saddens the state of life at a moment {or even permanently if the cause is Inextricable} induce by an internal or external factors. In my opinion some possible reasons for loneliness could be;

Mental health issues: Your anxiety and depression itself can aggravate loneliness. you need to know that people going through mental issues may not develop a sense of association
there by fostering isolation which plunges them into the shackles of loneliness. It worries being depressed. depression is a silent killer worse than carbuncle.

Changes in life: Because we don't know what the next hour, minutes or even seconds bring to our lives, therefor we only hope for the better, we can't control them. Therefore, people whom we love, as at the time we find disappointment from their end, we become unhappy which can lead to loneliness; unrealized expectations in our relations, breakups and so many uncertainties, including departure of love ones {death} can result to loneliness.

So you can see that all these things that leads to loneliness, most are out of our stop. like I said before, no one will love to be lonely. The things that may occur, possibly leading to loneliness maybe out of our own control, and these has effect in our lives generally.

One situation I wouldn't love to be in, is depression. I told you that depression is deadly worse than carbuncle. Depression can lead you to commit suicide, which loneliness can also lead to depression. loneliness can lead to memory problems. It can deny you of social happiness and Isolation which it's not good for you as a living entity. Well, I think there are possible solutions that can help fix your life back.

If you are a type that loves staying alone normal without being lonely, maybe unfortunately situation in life plunge you into becoming lonely. I think the best thing for you is to build connections. Try reaching out to people. Sometimes it not advisable to discuss your worries to random people. If you don't also feel comfortable discussing with friends, then seek a professional help, one whom you can feel comfortable with. reach out to loved ones, that can greatly help.


As I bring this to conclusion, please note that loneliness is not a pleasant situation and can lead to a deeper condition in life. Try to assess the cause of it and develop means to get out of that situation as quick as possible so you can stay mentally vibrant and avoid the risk of health issues.
I do appreciate your time, see you in my next article, thank you.

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A writer, a trader and a market Analyst


The abilities we have today is the gift of the present, however they are as the result of our input yesterday. should we have to maintain our values in life, our input to life must be obliged

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