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Punishment Of Waking Up Late

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Waking up late means you've lost half of your day and it can make you sleepless at night as it happened to me last night. Trying to bring back myself to the previous routine but I was fail. Last night I was sleepless and I was awake till 2am later woke up in the morning before 5 am to attend the regular prayer and again asleep. I was sleepy and couldn't help sleeping.

Alarm was set to 8 am but I couldn't hear any sound of Alarm and when wake up it was 10 am. I couldn't believe my eyes that I can be so late to wake up. I thought I've lost my breakfast as our chef made a deadline that after 9:30 am she not going to feed any girls of the hostel but luckily few breads were available when I reached the kitchen. I had my breakfast.

Then what was the punishment? You may ask me this now. Yes I'm going to tell you that now! I just prepare editing a short video to publish in my channel but the moment I going to publish it I lost the internet connection and right now typing this post in my notepad because there is no internet available around me. If I woke up early in the morning then I could finish all my tasks on time but see I'm late for everything.

Yesterday I made a healthy morning walk around our city street but it was raining and I couldn't enjoy walking as I always do! Today I skipped the plan because last night I was sleepless and the day I don't complete my sleeping hours I feel headache and some other issues that doesn't allow me having a good day. Usually if I sleep in the morning I wake up before 9 am but today I was surprised that I woke up 10 am and I had a deep sleep that I couldn't hear my alarm in my phone.

My whole body was feel like I need more sleep but I ran to the kitchen for my breakfast and got that luck by chance. Now waiting for the internet to come back that I can be done for the day. My phone is now in charging mood and I'm ready to work in my laptop. If internet connection doesn't come back soon then I may have to go for a shower to save time and I can work again after the shower.

Usually internet is always available but it feels like I'm getting punishment for waking up late. If I missed my breakfast for today then it could be another punishment. I just hope no more punishment is waiting for me. Waking up late is not my choice but it just happen when I have spent sleepless night or slept late at night.

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shohana1 Verified Member

I'm a writer, designer and photographer

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