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A Small Reminder- Let's Donate Some Wealth

Euro, Gift, Hand, Keep, Give A Gift, Present

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Last few days I'm not feeling good because I was very busy to go out and not yet donate a single penny when this is the golden time to do some charity. Its Ramadan and the best time to practice charitable activities.

Thankfully we still have chance to donate some money and food in this holy month Ramadan. Chartable activities never going to reduce your wealth even you going to have more blessings that you can't buy through money. Almost four days of the golden opportunity gone and whenever I'll be able to go out I'll contribute some.

Actually aim of donating money and food is only sake of pleasing Almighty Allah and sometimes I feel hesitate to write about it because I don't want to show off myself as a donor but later I realize if my donation or charitable activities remind others to do it then it can't be show off right? I'll keep secret the amount I'm going to donate but I'll remind you to do it via this blog.

No need to explain how good donating wealth is but for your kind attention would like to mention some points that may encourage you to do such great job or practice.

  • When we donate from our wealth we ensure our secure and blessed life. It doesn’t reduce wealth even it increase our wealth that we can realize later.

  • Doing charitable activities bring mental peace and satisfaction that you can't buy through money or some other expensive wealth.

  • Charitable activities makes you honorable and you also can impress Almighty. Your legal business and service also bring blessings that you can feel sooner or later.

  • Charitable activities bring smile on faces and it also a kind of virtue. To be reason of others smile and happiness is really great that a donor get most of the time.

  • Donating wealth is also a kind of help and helping others is always good that surely appreciated by Almighty. When you please Almighty, what else you want to live a blessed life?

These are just few points that I've in my mind right now. Hope I'll be able to donate some soon. To donate wealth you’ve no need to have huge money or wealth. Just having a kind heart is enough. Donate as much you can afford. Do not compete others when donating wealth because its not a show off activity, its a kind of activity to please Almighty and having spiritual satisfaction.

In corona pandemic season we have learned so many things and amongst all the necessity of donating wealth. At that moment many volunteers helped supplying foods, medicines and necessary things even to many rich but needy people. For security many rich corona affected people stay inside home and took help from volunteers so that was the high time when we could donate and stand beside needy people. Many of us felt the importance of donations.

Another high time for donating wealth is Ramadan. Remember one more thing, when you'll donate to many some of them won't be satisfied and will ask for more. Don't be panic in such situation and keep that on mind that your donation is not to satisfy them but to help them equally, your aim to satisfy Almighty. Its hard to satisfy some needy and we can't help them on that but we can help as much we can afford.

So Let's do it asap. I wish Almighty Allah will allow me to donate some asap. Stay blessed all. Experience the blessings of Ramadan!!!

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