Peace + Love + Liberty = Happiness T-shirt

By LibertasBella | libertasbella | 9 Nov 2022


Peace, love and liberty, baby. Why is it so hard to convince people that these are the three keys to happiness? Peace should be a no-brainer. We mean, sure, any government worth its salt has to occasionally hurl a few Hellfire missiles into an Afghan hospital or turn an entire metropolitan area into radioactive glass. But aside from such necessary functions of state, you’ll find yourself in far more pleasant circumstances when no one is actively trying to butcher you.

Shop the Peace + Love + Liberty = Happiness T-shirt at Libertas Bella:

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Libertas Bella. It’s Latin for “beautiful liberty,” and we chose the name for two reasons. First, we cherish liberty whether it’s our own or anyone else’s. The freedom to live however you please and say whatever you wish is under constant attack from our


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