Dr. Fauci Lies Collection

By LibertasBella | libertasbella | 4 Nov 2022


Remember “two weeks to flatten the curve?” Somehow that evolved into “accept life in a perpetual police state or else we’ll lock you in your house in make you unemployable.” How did we get here? Largely thanks to the efforts of mountebanks like Dr. Anthony Fauci.

"Für ihre sicherheit." It’s a little Nazi saying that means “for your safety.”

Many people believe that their government’s job is to keep them safe. And it is, to a degree. We want our government to apprehend and punish thieves and murderers, and to send special trucks when our houses are on fire.

But what is the extent of the government’s duty to keep us safe? Should it make it illegal for us to leave our homes? Should it prevent us from going to work if we refuse to take drugs that were only recently introduced to the market? Should it fine or arrest people who fail to wear face masks?

Plenty of people would enthusiastically argue the government should do all of these things. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who has lied through his teeth about so many matters of public health during the pandemic, is just one of them. Yet none of them seem the least bit concerned about whether the government might abuse so much new power.

Of course, giving the government power is like giving a toddler a slingshot. It’s insane not to expect them to use such things irresponsibly, so you’ve only yourself to blame when the government makes arbitrary lockdowns the norm, or the toddler starts knocking out your window panes.

No reasonable person wants Dr. Fauci and the people pulling his strings to rule them. A disease with a 99.9% survival rate is far less frightening than a government that can lock you up, muzzle you, and pin you down to forcibly inject you with … something.

You don’t want to be safe. You want to be free, and anyone who insists that you part with your rights “for your safety” is without question the greatest threat to your safety in existence. Fight it. Attack “science.” Ridicule Dr. Fauci and anyone else who would treat you like a zoo animal.

Shop the Dr. Fauci Lies Collection at Libertas Bella: https://libertasbella.com/collections/dr-fauci-lies

#medicaltyranny #tyranny #mandates #medicalfreedom #freedom #fauci #libertasbella

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